The Easterseals TV spot titled "Staying at Home" is a heartwarming advertisement that showcases the...
Title: Love Everyday: Shriners Hospitals For Children TV Spot Featuring RJ MitteIntroduction:In a he...
Easterseals is a non-profit organization that aims to empower people with disabilities and special needs to live fulfilled lives and achieve their full potential. Founded in 1919, Easterseals has been...
Shriners Hospitals for Children is a network of non-profit medical facilities that specialize in providing advanced care for children with orthopedic conditions , burns, spinal cord injuries, and othe...
RJ Mitte is a well-known actor who gained prominence for his role as Walter White Jr. in the critically acclaimed television series "Breaking Bad." However, Mitte is not just a talented actor but also a commercial model who has been featured in several brand campaigns. He is best known for his work with companies like GAP, Burger King, and Dell.
Mitte was born in Lafayette, Louisiana, in 1992, with cerebral palsy. However, this has not stopped him from pursuing his dreams and achieving success in the entertainment industry. He began his acting career in 2006 with a small role in the television series "Hannah Montana." However, it was his breakthrough role on "Breaking Bad" that made him a household name.
In 2014, Mitte became a model for GAP's "Lived in Spring" campaign, which promoted the brand's relaxed clothing line. He was also featured in a Burger King campaign, where he spoke candidly about his experience living with cerebral palsy and how it has shaped his journey.
Furthermore, Mitte was also a part of Dell's campaign "Beginnings," which aimed to inspire young entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams. His involvement in these campaigns has helped to bring a new level of diversity and representation to commercial advertising.
Overall, RJ Mitte's success as a commercial model can be attributed to his hard work, talent, and diversity. His ability to challenge societal norms and overcome obstacles has made him an inspiration to many aspiring actors and models.