's 2022 Black Friday TV spot titled 'Family Photo' is a heartwarming and humorous take on c...
Title: TV Spot, 'La familia de bienes'Introduction:In a heartwarming and endearing televis...
Chewy is an innovative e-commerce company that specializes in providing pet owners with a wide range of pet supplies and products. Founded in 2011, Chewy has quickly risen to become one of the largest... is a well-known online retailer that specializes in the distribution of pet products and supplies, including food, toys, and medication. One interesting aspect of the company is its In-House...
Salma Dharsee is an actor and Reiki Master based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. She is known for her roles in films such as "HERO Inspired by the Extraordinary Life & Times of Mr. Ulric Cross" (2019), "Anne at 13,000 Ft." (2019), and "Partner" (2017). Additionally, Salma Dharsee has appeared in TV commercials and has been involved in screenplay festival events.