Title: End Citizens United TV Spot: 'For the People Act'[Opening shot: A diverse group of people, representing various backgrounds and demographics, standing in front of an American flag.]Voiceover: "In these challenging times, our democracy is at stake."[Cut to a montage of news headlines showcasin...
Title: End Citizens United TV Spot, 'Freedom to Vote' Featuring John LegendIntroduction:In a powerful new television spot titled "Freedom to Vote," the renowned singer-songwriter John Legend lends his talent and voice to support the fight against corporate influence in politics. Produced by End Citi...
Title: End Citizens United TV Spot - 'Hold'In a world where money has an overwhelming influence on politics, a television spot emerges to shed light on the detrimental consequences of the infamous Citizens United decision. The TV spot titled 'Hold' presented by End Citizens United aims to expose the...
The End Citizens United TV spot entitled "Legacy" is a powerful and emotional piece that champions the need for campaign finance reform in American politics. The ad features a series of black and white photographs of American leaders throughout history, accompanied by a somber and stirring soundtrac...
Title: "On the Ropes: End Citizens United Fights for Democracy"Introduction:In the realm of political campaigns, the influence of money has become an ever-looming threat to the ideals of a fair and democratic society. To combat this pervasive issue, End Citizens United has taken center stage with th...