Freestyle Releasing, a film distribution company, released the 2015 adult animated comedy Hell and Back. The movie follows two best friends, Remy and Augie, who work at a carnival in their small town. Searching for a way to save their struggling business, the two accidentally drop through a portal to hell. In their quest to escape, they encounter a host of demons, including Satan himself.
The movie, directed by Tom Gianas and Ross Shuman, stars the voice talents of Nick Swardson, Mila Kunis, Bob Odenkirk, and T.J. Miller. Despite its talented cast and promising premise, Hell and Back failed to impress critics and audiences alike. Many cited the lack of originality in the film, as it relied heavily on crude humor and familiar tropes.
Despite its lack of commercial success, Hell and Back did showcase Freestyle Releasing's commitment to distributing unique and unconventional films. The company prides itself on taking risks on independent movies that might not otherwise find a wide release. Hell and Back may not have been a critical darling, but it certainly fit the bill of a daring and boundary-pushing film that takes risks.