Mega Bloks is an innovative toy company that has captured the hearts of children and adults alike with its creative building sets. Founded in 1967 by Victor Bertrand and his wife Rita, Mega Bloks has...
Mega Bloks Half-Shell Heroes Mikey Jet is the perfect toy for any Turtle-loving child. This toy captures Michelangelo, one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, in his high-flying jet. Complete with spinning rotors and a mini Mikey figure, this toy encourages hours of imaginative, action-packed play.
The Mega Bloks Half-Shell Heroes Mikey Jet is made up of 36 blocks, including a jet cockpit, wings, and rotors. Once assembled, the jet measures approximately 7 inches long and 6 inches wide. The mini Mikey action figure can sit in the cockpit and engage in imaginative battles and daring rescues.
The Half-Shell Heroes series is specifically designed for younger children, aged 3-6 years old, with larger and easier-to-handle blocks that encourage fine motor skills and imaginative play. The Mikey Jet is no exception, providing a fun and exciting toy that can be played with for hours on end.
Overall, if you have a young TMNT fan in your life, the Mega Bloks Half-Shell Heroes Mikey Jet is a must-have addition to their toy collection. Not only is it fun and entertaining, but it also helps develop important skills for young children.