CBN Home Entertainment Superbook: Gizmo Go!: A Tale of Two Widgets is an exciting animated movie that revolves around Gizmo, a loveable robot, and his adventures in the world of technology. The story begins when Gizmo gets a new assignment of creating two widgets for his bosses. Despite his impeccable programming skills, Gizmo finds himself struggling to complete the task on time because of the constant interference of a rival robot named Jinx.
As Gizmo frantically tries to complete the job, he realizes that his job is not only about completing the task, but it is also about doing so in a way that is ethical, just, and fair. Gizmo learns this valuable lesson when he accidentally creates two different widgets with opposite effects. One widget causes chaos and destruction, while the other helps people. The situation gets worse when Jinx exposes Gizmo's mistake to their bosses, putting his job at risk.
However, with the help of his friend, Chris, Gizmo finds a way to prove his innocence and redeem himself. Gizmo learns about the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions, the value of teamwork, and the importance of always striving to do the right thing.
CBN Home Entertainment Superbook: Gizmo Go!: A Tale of Two Widgets is not just an enjoyable animated movie, but it is also a valuable source of life lessons for children and adults alike. It teaches about the importance of ethics, teamwork, and responsibility, while also providing a fun and engaging story that the whole family can enjoy.