Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment is a renowned company that specializes in distributing and marketing a wide range of entertainment content. As a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, this divi...
Monsters University is a computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment in 2013. The film is a prequel to the 2001 film, Monsters, Inc., and it tells the story of two young monsters, Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan, during their time at Monsters University.
The film is set in a world where monsters live and work among humans, and scare children to generate power for their society. It follows Mike, a hardworking and intelligent monster, who dreams of becoming a professional scarer at Monsters, Inc. However, Mike is not a natural scare, and he struggles to succeed in the Scare Program at Monsters University. James "Sulley" Sullivan, a confident and privileged monster, also wants to become a scarer, but he relies more on his innate talent than hard work to achieve his goals.
The two monsters initially compete against each other and are kicked out of the Scare Program due to their rivalry. However, they are forced to team up when a campus-wide scare competition called the Scare Games presents an opportunity for them to get back into the program. Along the way, they learn important lessons about teamwork, friendship, and the value of hard work.
The film received critical acclaim for its storytelling, animation, and voice acting. Billy Crystal and John Goodman reprised their roles as Mike and Sulley, respectively, and were joined by new cast members, including Helen Mirren, Nathan Fillion, and Aubrey Plaza.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released Monsters University on DVD, Blu-ray, and digital formats, and it includes bonus features such as a short film, featurettes, deleted scenes, and audio commentaries. Overall, Monsters University is a heartwarming and entertaining film that appeals to both children and adults.