Little, Brown and Company is a renowned publishing company that has left an indelible mark on the literary world. Established in 1837 by Charles Coffin Little and James Brown, the company has since be...
Little, Brown and Company is a major publishing house that has been in business for over a century. Over the years, they have published a wide range of books across different genres. One popular author who has published many books with Little, Brown and Company is James Patterson.
One of his most beloved books, "I Funny: A Middle School Story," was also published by Little, Brown and Company. This book tells the story of Jamie Grimm, a young boy who dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.
Despite facing numerous obstacles, including a disability that makes it difficult for him to walk, Jamie never gives up on his dream. Along the way, he makes new friends, faces bullies, and learns important life lessons.
"I Funny: A Middle School Story" is a heartwarming and funny book that is perfect for readers of all ages. It has received critical acclaim and has become a bestseller since its release. The book is a testament to James Patterson's talent as a writer and Little, Brown and Company's commitment to publishing quality books for all ages.