Papa Murphy's Pizza is a renowned name in the world of take-and-bake pizza. Born out of the desire to provide families with fresh, high-quality pizzas that can be baked at home, Papa Murphy's has carv...
Certainly! Papa Murphy's Pizza is a popular take-and-bake pizza chain in the United States, and one of their most popular menu options is the 5-Cheese Bread. This delicious bread is made with fresh, scratch-made dough, and features a blend of five different cheeses: mozzarella, cheddar, feta, Parmesan, and herb & garlic.
To make the 5-Cheese Bread, Papa Murphy's starts by mixing their fresh, never-frozen dough, and letting it rise to perfection. Once the dough is ready, they blend together their signature cheese blend and layer it onto the top of the dough. The cheeses are then sprinkled with an herb and garlic blend for extra flavor.
After the cheese has been added, the bread is baked to golden-brown perfection, creating a crispy crust on the outside and gooey, cheesy goodness on the inside. The final result is a mouth-watering bread that's perfect as a snack, side dish or party appetizer.
You can also customize your 5-Cheese Bread with additional toppings such as pepperoni, bacon, or even fresh vegetables like diced tomatoes or onions. This delicious bread is sure to be a hit with cheese lovers of all ages, and it's no wonder why it's one of Papa Murphy's most beloved menu items.