Eros STX's UglyDolls is a delightful animated musical that follows the journey of a group of misfit toys who live in Uglyville - a town where imperfections are celebrated. However, when one of the toys named Moxy (voiced by Kelly Clarkson) dreams of finding a child to love, she sets out on a dangerous adventure to the Institute of Perfection, where perfectly-shaped toys are trained to become the ideal playthings for kids.
Along with her beloved friends, Moxy travels through a colorful and lively world filled with catchy songs and witty one-liners. They encounter a variety of characters, including the arrogant Lou (voiced by Nick Jonas), who belittles Moxy and her friends, the kind and curious Lucky Bat (voiced by Leehom Wang), and the flamboyant, pink-haired administrator of the Institute of Perfection, Mandy (voiced by Janelle Monae).
As Moxy learns more about the world beyond Uglyville and the challenges that come with being different, she discovers the true meaning of self-acceptance and the importance of friendship. The film delivers a heartwarming message of diversity and inclusivity, encouraging audiences to embrace their own unique traits and celebrate their differences.
Eros STX's UglyDolls is a treat for both children and adults, with its colorful animation, catchy music, and positive message. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good adventure filled with fun, laughter, and a valuable lesson.