Hasbro Gaming is an iconic company that has been capturing the hearts and minds of both young and old through their innovative and exciting board games. With a rich history dating back to 1923, Hasbro...
Hasbro Gaming Monopoly Discover is a new version of the popular classic board game, Monopoly, that is designed to help players discover and explore the wonders of the world around them. The game is packed with fascinating trivia and interesting facts about some of the world's most famous landmarks and tourist destinations.
Players of Monopoly Discover start by selecting a character icon, and then they travel around the board, buying properties and collecting rent. Along the way, they can also land on Chance and Community Chest cards that offer fun and educational facts about different landmarks and cities around the world.
One of the unique features of Monopoly Discover is that it has a companion app that allows players to scan different codes on the board and cards, which provides even more fascinating information about the places they are learning about. The app also allows players to take part in quizzes and challenges related to the places they are discovering.
In addition to being a fun and entertaining game, Monopoly Discover is also a great way to learn about different places and cultures around the world. The game encourages players to explore and appreciate the diversity of our planet while having fun with friends and family.
Whether you're a Monopoly fan or just looking for a fun and educational game experience, Hasbro Gaming Monopoly Discover is definitely worth adding to your collection.