Lionsgate Home Entertainment is a division of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation , a Canadian-American film and television production company. Lionsgate has established itself as a major player in t...
Lionsgate Home Entertainment released the hit Mexican comedy film "Instructions Not Included" on DVD and digital in 2013. The film, directed by Eugenio Derbez, was a massive success in Mexico and went on to become the highest-grossing Spanish-language film in the United States. The film tells the story of a bachelor who becomes an unlikely father figure after a baby appears on his doorstep.
The success of "Instructions Not Included" led to a French remake in 2016 and a Bollywood remake in 2018. Additionally, Lionsgate India, Azure, and Globalgate Entertainment announced in 2018 that they would be remaking the film for Indian audiences. The film's success also helped to solidify Lionsgate's reputation as a leading distributor of foreign-language films in the United States.
Overall, "Instructions Not Included" was a major hit for both Lionsgate and the Mexican film industry, and its influence is still being felt today with the various remakes being produced around the world.