Dish Network, commonly known as Dish, is a leading provider of satellite television services in the United States. The company offers a wide range of programming options, including high-definition (HD...
Paramount+ is a streaming application that offers users exclusive access to a plethora of shows, movies, and live events. Formally known as CBS All Access, Paramount+ is a rebranded version of the previous service. The app boasts over 30,000 episodes from popular TV shows like Survivor, NCIS, Big Brother, and many more. It also offers an extensive library of movies, including the Mission Impossible and Star Trek franchises.
Apart from TV shows and movies, Paramount+ also provides live sports events, such as UEFA Champions League football matches, NFL games, and CBS Sports Live. You can also stream news programs like CBS Evening News and 60 minutes. With Paramount+, you'll enjoy access to a plethora of exclusive features, including original content produced specifically for the platform, making it stand out among its competitors.
Another noteworthy feature of Paramount+ is the option to download and watch offline content, making it great for viewers on the go. Plus, the app allows for multiple user profiles, which provides a personalized experience for every viewer.
Paramount+ is available on various devices, including desktops/laptops, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, and streaming media players. It's a great choice for cord-cutters who are looking for an affordable streaming service with a diverse catalog of content.