Anchor Bay Home Entertainment is an American home video and entertainment company that releases and distributes movies and television series on DVD, Blu-ray, and digital formats. The company is based...
Anchor Bay Home Entertainment released "Ash vs. Evil Dead: The Complete First Season" on Blu-ray and DVD on August 23, 2016. This American comedy horror television series is developed by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, and Tom Spezialy for Starz. The series is based on the "Evil Dead" film franchise and serves as a sequel to the original movies. The first season includes ten episodes and features Bruce Campbell, Lucy Lawless, Jill Marie Jones, and Ray Santiago in the lead roles. The series follows Ash Williams (Campbell), a former hero who must confront a Deadite plague unleashed upon the world.
The Blu-ray and DVD release of the first season of "Ash vs. Evil Dead" includes bonus features, such as behind-the-scenes footage, audio commentaries, and featurettes that take an in-depth look at the production of the series. This release was a must-have for fans of the original "Evil Dead" films and those looking for a horror-comedy series to enjoy. Overall, "Ash vs. Evil Dead: The Complete First Season" is a highly entertaining and gory series that provides plenty of laughs and scares.