Little, Brown and Company is a renowned publishing company that has left an indelible mark on the literary world. Established in 1837 by Charles Coffin Little and James Brown, the company has since be...
Little, Brown and Company James Patterson's "Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar" is a hilarious and relatable book for tween readers. The story follows Georgia Khatchadorian, who is trying to survive middle school with her best friend, Nikki. But things get complicated when Georgia's little brother Rafe, a notorious troublemaker, comes to their school.
Rafe is up to his usual antics, and Georgia and Nikki end up getting tangled up in his schemes. They try to help him clear his name when he gets falsely accused of doing something he didn't do. But their efforts only seem to make things worse.
The book tackles themes of sibling relationships, trust, and honesty. It is a fun and easy read, with a writing style that is engaging and accessible to younger readers.
"Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar" is just one of the many books in James Patterson's Middle School series. The series has been praised for its ability to portray realistic issues that middle schoolers face, such as bullying, social anxiety, and academic pressure.
Overall, "Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar" is a great addition to the series, and a must-read for tweens who enjoy humorous and relatable stories.