Disney Princess is a highly popular franchise that's owned by The Walt Disney Company. This franchise features a wide variety of Disney princess characters, including Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Ar...
Disney Princess (Hasbro) Royal Shimmer Ariel is a beautifully designed doll that captures the essence of the beloved character from the timeless Disney classic, The Little Mermaid. With her sparkling blue tail and flowing red hair, Royal Shimmer Ariel sparkles and shines, just like the ocean she calls home.
Designed with careful attention to detail, the Royal Shimmer Ariel doll perfectly captures Ariel's adventurous spirit and her desire to explore the world beyond the ocean. Whether she's exploring the magical world of land-dwellers or simply swimming through the depths of the ocean, Royal Shimmer Ariel is always ready for adventure.
With her shimmering outfit and sparkling accessories, Royal Shimmer Ariel is a joy to play with, whether you're reliving classic scenes from The Little Mermaid or creating all-new adventures of your own. With her playful, adventurous spirit and her unmistakable sense of style, she's sure to be a cherished addition to any little girl's collection of toys and dolls.