Playmobil is a renowned toy company that has captured the hearts and imaginations of children and adults alike for decades. Founded in 1974 by German toy maker Hans Beck, Playmobil has become synonymo...
Playmobil DreamWorks Dragons Berk is a toy set that brings to life the mythical world of the DreamWorks animated series, Dragons. Build and recreate the iconic island fortress where you can join Hiccup and his fearless friends, Toothless, Astrid, Snotlout, and more on their daring adventures.
This Playmobil set features a detailed replica of Berk, complete with towering walls, stables, a blacksmith's forge to create weapons, a viking ship, and a lookout tower with a functioning light-up flame. You can even act out scenes from the movie, such as the epic final battle with the fearsome dragon, the Red Death.
The set also includes beloved characters like Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs, in their full Viking armor and weapons. Not to be forgotten, Toothless is also included in the set, with fully movable wings and tail and a retractable fire breath function.
The Playmobil DreamWorks Dragons Berk is not only great for imaginative play, but it also promotes fine motor skills as they build and move the pieces. The attention to detail within the set, from the carved wooden furniture to the viking horns, is sure to delight any Dragons fan and keep them engaged for hours.
Overall, Playmobil DreamWorks Dragons Berk is a fantastic toy set that can transport children to the magical world of Dragons and stimulate their imaginative capabilities.