Title: "Dolls"Introduction:In a picturesque suburban neighborhood, a young girl finds herself drawn to a mysterious house that stands out amongst the rest. This is the captivating backdrop for the Extra Gum Spearmint TV spot titled "Dolls." This heartwarming commercial explores the timeless power of...
In the vibrant world of commercials, where creativity and storytelling collide, one particular TV spot by Extra Gum is a delightful celebration of love and unexpected connections. Titled 'Fiestas: encontrarás el amor' (which translates to 'Parties: you will find love'), this ad takes us on a heartwa...
The Extra Gum TV Spot, 'For When It's Time' Song by Celine Dion is a heartwarming and emotional commercial that tells the story of a young couple and the memories they share throughout their journey of love. The commercial starts with the scene of a young girl approaching a boy in the school hallway...
Extra Gum's TV Spot, 'Holidays: Together Again' is an emotional and touching advertisement that portrays a heartwarming story of the love and bond between a father and daughter. The ad tells the story of a young girl and her father who bond over the years through the simple yet meaningful act of sha...
Extra Gum TV spot, 'Holidays: You'll Find Love' is a heart-warming commercial that aired during the holiday season, created by the creative team at Extra Gum. The goal of the ad is to showcase the brand's product in a memorable way while evoking emotions of love, family, and friendship. The commerci...
The Extra Gum TV Spot, 'La historia de Sarah y Juan: primer día' tells a heartwarming story of two young people on their first day of school. As the commercial unfolds, we see Sarah and Juan nervously approaching each other, each hoping for someone to talk to on their first day.As they begin to chat...
The Extra Gum TV Spot "Muñecas" is a touching and inspiring advertisement that tells the story of a father and his daughter. The commercial opens with the father gifting his daughter a dollhouse for her birthday, which she treasures and plays with every day. However, as the years go by, the daughter...
The Extra Gum TV spot titled 'Real Friend Request' is a heartwarming commercial that tells the story of two best friends who have been inseparable since they were young. The ad shows the journey of their friendship, highlighting the moments they shared together, such as playing videogames, being eac...
The "Extra Gum TV Spot, 'Restaurant'" is a heartwarming commercial that tells the story of two young lovers going on their first date at a restaurant. The commercial begins with the nervous young man arriving at the restaurant, feeling self-conscious about his appearance and unsure about how the dat...
The Extra Gum TV spot titled 'Solicitud de amistad' (Friend Request) is a heartwarming commercial that tells a story of two high school girls who become friends after a brief encounter in class.The ad opens with the protagonist, Sarah, struggling to fit in on her first day of high school. She is ret...
The Extra Gum TV Spot featuring Ava Max during the VMAs as Best New Artist was a thrilling and engaging commercial that captured the attention of viewers and music lovers around the world. The TV spot starts right on time with the classic beat of Ava Max's biggest hit, "Sweet but Psycho," blasting t...
Title: Engage with Extra Gum: Ava Max Takes the VMAs StageIntroduction:In the world of advertising, captivating TV spots have the power to leave a lasting impression on viewers. Extra Gum, known for its refreshing and long-lasting flavor, took the opportunity to engage the audience during the VMAs w...
Title: Extra Gum TV Spot, 'VMAs: Next Level' Featuring Ava MaxIntroduction:The Extra Gum TV spot titled 'VMAs: Next Level' takes viewers on a whirlwind journey of creativity and imagination. The commercial features the incredibly talented singer Ava Max, showcasing her unique style and captivating v...
Extra Refreshers Gum TV Spot features a commercial called 'Max & Bill: Introduction,' which is a brilliant and fun marketing campaign that utilizes the catchy tune "Chainsmoking" by Jacob Banks.The TV spot introduces us to Max and Bill, the quirky characters that give this campaign a unique and unfo...
The Extra Spearmint TV Spot 'La Historia de Sarah y Juan' is a heartwarming story that captures the essence of love and connection. The spot is a 60-second commercial that follows the story of Sarah and Juan, two individuals who cross paths in unexpected circumstances.The ad starts with Sarah, a you...
The Extra Spearmint TV Spot titled 'Origami' is a 30-second advertisement that features the classic spearmint chewing gum and its fresh taste. The commercial starts with a paper crane being folded and then walking off the table. The camera then zooms out to a group of people who are shown to have be...
Title: Extra Spearmint TV Spot - "The Story of Sarah & Juan: Airport"[Scene: An airport terminal. Sarah, an adventurous young woman, waits eagerly near the departure gate. Her eyes light up as her gaze fixes on someone coming towards her.]Narrator: In a world filled with uncertainty and everyday rou...
The Extra Spearmint TV spot titled 'The Story of Sarah & Juan' is a heartwarming and romantic story of two young people, Sarah and Juan, who meet and fall in love over their shared love of minty fresh breath. The commercial is set in a bustling city, where Sarah and Juan are shown walking side by si...
Overview: Energy BBDO, Inc. is an advertising agency with headquarters in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It was founded in 1932 and has been in operation for over 89 years. The agency specializes in building brand recognition. It has a workforce of approximately 330 employees and is part of the BBDO Worldwide network. In terms of recent news, BrownForman Corporation announced in 2019 that Energy BBDO would be their new global creative agency of record...
MediaCom is a global advertising and media agency with a presence in 100 countries. The company was founded in the UK in 1986 and has since grown to become one of the largest media agencies in the world. MediaCom's services include media planning and buying, digital marketing, data analytics, and content creation.MediaCom has worked with a wide range of clients, including some of the world's largest and most recognizable brands. The company has w...
Rattling Stick is a leading production company that is well known for producing high-quality TV commercials, music videos, and short films. The company was founded in 2006 by a British filmmaker, Daniel Kleinman, who is famous for creating the iconic opening sequences for many James Bond films.Over the years, Rattling Stick has grown to become a market leader in the production industry. With offices in both London and Los Angeles, the company has...
Extra Gum is a chewing gum brand owned by Wrigley, a subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated. The brand was launched in 1984 as a sugar-free alternative to traditional chewing gum. Since then, Extra Gum has become one of the most popular chewing gum brands in the world.
Extra Gum comes in a variety of flavors, including peppermint, spearmint, polar ice, and smooth mint. In addition to traditional gum, Extra Gum also offers a variety of products designed for specific needs, such as Extra Refreshers, which are designed to provide an instant burst fresh breath.
In recent years, Extra Gum has become known for its emotional advertising campaigns. In 2015, the brand launched a commercial titled "The Story of Sarah & Juan," which tells the story of a couple who meet as children, grow up together, and eventually get married. The commercial is set to a cover of Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling In Love" and has been praised for its touching storyline and message of love.
Overall, Extra Gum is a well-respected and beloved brand known for its quality products and emotionally-driven advertising campaigns.