Title: Drop the Juice: Minute Maid Drops TV SpotIntroduction:In a world where mundane routines can sometimes make life feel dull, Minute Maid Drops comes to the rescue with their latest TV spot – "Drop the Juice." This innovative and captivating commercial redefines the way we enjoy our beverages, p...
Title: Meeting the Family - A Refreshing ReunionIntroduction:In the bustling world of advertising, where commercials come and go, there is one TV spot that captured the hearts of viewers all around the world - the Minute Maid Fruit Punch TV Spot, titled 'Meeting the Family.' This captivating adverti...
Minute Maid Fruit Punch released a new TV spot titled "Toda la familia" that captures the essence of family and togetherness. The ad boasts the drink's ability to bring joy and a refreshing taste to the entire family, capturing a captivating story that is both heartwarming and relatable.The ad begin...
Title: "Little League: The Spirit of Summer with Minute Maid Lemonade"Introduction:Imagine a vibrant summer day, where the scent of freshly cut grass fills the air and the sound of excited cheers echoes across a baseball field. In this idyllic setting, Minute Maid Lemonade captures the essence of su...
Title: A Glass Full of Smiles: Minute Maid's Premium Original TV SpotIntroduction:In a vibrant display of joy, Minute Maid's Premium Original TV Spot, titled "A Glass Full of Smiles," takes viewers on an uplifting journey. The commercial not only showcases the refreshing taste of Minute Maid's Premi...
The Minute Maid Pure Squeezed TV spot, 'Cue Cards', will tug at your heartstrings. The commercial centers around a father who is prepping his daughter for a big moment. He uses cue cards to encourage her, offer advice, and remind her that she can do anything she sets her mind to. Ty Burrell, best kn...
Title: "Hug It Out: A Heartwarming Journey with Minute Maid Pure Squeezed"Introduction:In the bustling streets of a vibrant neighborhood, there existed a heartwarming story of connection and understanding that unfolded with every sip of Minute Maid Pure Squeezed. This TV spot titled "Hug It Out" too...
Minute Maid Pure Squeezed is a popular line of premium orange juice, and the brand has been actively promoting its products through various marketing campaigns. One of the most memorable campaigns of Minute Maid Pure Squeezed is the 'Role Reversal' TV Spot featuring actor Ty Burrell.The commercial b...
Title: Embrace Your Natural Beauty with Minute Maid's 'Look Better Naked' Commercial Feat. Ty BurrellIntroduction:In a world that constantly bombards us with messages about how we should look, a refreshing and empowering TV commercial by Minute Maid takes a bold step in challenging societal norms. T...
In the Minute Maid TV spot titled 'Doing Good,' we dive into the remarkable story of Missy Franklin, an Olympic swimmer and gold medalist, who uses her platform to inspire and make a difference in the world.The commercial starts with a picturesque swimming pool set against a backdrop of lush greener...
The Minute Maid TV Spot, 'Good Pour' is a visually stunning advertisement that promotes the brand's juice drinks. The commercial opens with a series of individuals performing various activities, such as working out, playing soccer, and commuting on a train. As they go about their daily routine, they...
Minute Maid's TV spot 'Independencia' is a heartwarming and emotional ad that celebrates the independence and strength of the Latino community. The ad begins with a young boy holding a Mexican flag and gazing up at the bright sky. The narrator's voiceover speaks about the Mexican Independence Day an...
Title: Discover the Heartwarming Tale of Mr. Bentley in the Minute Maid TV SpotIntroduction:In the heartwarming Minute Maid TV spot titled 'Mr. Bentley,' viewers are taken on an emotional journey that showcases the power of compassion, love, and the impact one person can make on the lives of others....
Minute Maid's TV Spot, 'Sharing' is a heartwarming advert that captures the essence of sharing and caring for others. The commercial starts with a father and his young daughter sitting on a park bench sharing a bottle of Minute Maid orange juice. As they enjoy the drink, the little girl ponders the...
The Minute Maid TV Spot, 'Shib Sibs Journey' features Maia Shibutani and Alex Shibutani, two of the most prominent names in American ice skating, as they embark on a journey towards achieving their dreams.The commercial begins with a young Maia and Alex holding hands as they skate on an ice rink. Th...
Universal McCann (UM) is a global media agency that provides marketing and advertising services to help clients future-proof their businesses. The company was founded in 1999 and has its headquarters located in New York City.UM has a strong presence across the globe with offices in several countries including the United States, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company has worked with several high-profile clients in various industries such as banking...
Overview of Minute Maid Company
Minute Maid is a brand of beverages that was founded in 1945 and is currently owned by The Coca-Cola Company, one of the largest beverage companies in the world. Minute Maid is known for its wide range of fruit juices, juice drinks, and soft drinks, and is the world's largest marketer of fruit juices. The company's headquarters is located in Sugar Land, Texas.
Products Offered by Minute Maid
Minute Maid offers a variety of products including juice drinks, fruit juices, soft drinks, and frozen fruit bars. Some of the most popular Minute Maid juice flavors include Orange, Pulpy Orange, Pineapple, Punch Peach, Guava, Tropical, and Mango.
In addition to its juice products, Minute Maid also offers other beverages such as Bibo, Hi-C, Bacardi Mixers, Odwalla Beverages, Qoo, Five Alive Citrus Beverages , Bright & Early Breakfast Beverages , and Minute Maid Splash. The company also has a number of plant-based beverage brands including Simply, Innocent, Del Valle, fairlife and AdeS.
Contacting Minute Maid
Customers can contact Minute Maid directly through their website or social media pages. The company's support center can also be contacted for any questions or concerns. Furthermore, for personalized help in planning an event at Minute Maid Park in Houston, customers can contact the Houston Astros Conference Center and Special Events Department.
Corporate Social Responsibility
As part of The Coca-Cola Company , Minute Maid is committed to sustainability and takes steps to reduce its carbon footprint, promote water conservation, and recycle its packaging. Additionally, Minute Maid is committed to supporting local communities and has various initiatives to support education, health, and wellness.