A&E, also known as Arts & Entertainment Network, is a popular American cable television channel that focuses on arts, entertainment, and lifestyle programming. The network was founded in 1984, and has...
Laughlin Constable is a top-tier, full-service advertising agency that is commonly referred to as LC. It was founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin over 40 years ago and has since expanded quite rapidly. The company has a significant presence in the New York market, mainly due to its strategic acquisition of a digital agency called Elasticity in 2019. LC's New York office sits in the bustling Flatiron District, and it has been growing consistently.
LC New York offers a range of services such as branding, strategy, customer experience design, advertising, public relations, and media buying. The company caters to a wide range of clients, including several renowned brands and organizations like Johnson & Johnson, Oculus, the American Lung Association, GE Healthcare, and Master Lock.
LC operates with a client-centric approach, which reflects in the innovative and effective services it offers them. Their creative strategies and designs have garnered numerous prestigious awards, including multiple Clio, Adweek, and Telly awards.
LC believes in utilizing technology and data to drive both creativity and results, and therefore has a robust technology practice alongside its creative team. They leverage data-driven insights, emerging platforms, and innovative tools to create personalized experiences for their clients' target audiences.
In summary, Laughlin Constable New York is a leading advertising agency that offers a variety of services to its diverse client base. It is known for its exceptional creative strategies and designs, innovative use of technology and data, and client-centric approach.
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