101 Studios produced a heartwarming family comedy titled "The War With Grandpa" in 2020. The movie follows the story of a young boy named Peter who is forced to give up his beloved bedroom to his grandfather, Ed, who recently moved into their house. Feeling angry and betrayed, Peter decides to declare war on his grandpa to win back his bedroom.
The film, directed by Tim Hill, boasts an impressive cast of actors, including Robert De Niro as grandpa Ed, Uma Thurman as Peter’s mother Sally, and Christopher Walken as Jerry, Ed’s best friend. The ensemble cast also features a talented younger cast, including Oakes Fegley, who plays Peter, and Laura Marano as his school friend, Mia.
"The War With Grandpa" follows a classic comedic plotline with humor and heart, as the family members try to outsmart each other in a series of pranks and schemes to win back Peter’s bedroom. The film recaptures the dynamic of family life, showing the ups and downs of familial relationships, as well as the unique bond between a grandfather and grandson that grows stronger through the challenges they face together.
Overall, "The War With Grandpa" is a delightful family comedy that is sure to leave audiences laughing and touched by the heartwarming story of reconciliation and love. 101 Studios successfully produced a film that appeals to all ages, proving that family humor is timeless.