Monster High is a toy franchise created by Mattel in 2010. The concept behind the company is simple - to create dolls that were inspired by monsters. While the brand began with dolls, it has since exp...
Monster High Extra Tall Ghoul Frankie Stein is a unique character in the Monster High universe that sets her apart from the rest of the students. She is a kind and caring ghoul with an impressive height, standing out from everyone else in the school.
Frankie Stein is the daughter of the famous Frankenstein monster and takes pride in her appearance. Her extra tall height, alongside her striking black and white hairstyle, gives her an intimidating and impressive presence. Her unique fashion sense is a mix of punk and gothic styles, and her wardrobe is filled with edgy dresses, skinny jeans, and skull-themed accessories.
Despite her towering height, Frankie is a friendly girl, often seen helping others at Monster High. She has a kind heart and is always willing to lend a helping hand, a trait that endears her to both her classmates and fans.
Frankie also has some unique abilities that make her a formidable monster. Her incredible strength and lightning-fast reflexes make her perfect for any physical challenge. She can also harness the power of electricity, a skill she uses to her advantage when creating her unique creations.
Along with her impressive stature, Frankie's incredible talents and personality make her a standout character in the Monster High universe. Her fierce loyalty and compassion for her friends and classmates are just some of the reasons she is one of the most beloved and respected ghouls in the school.