Twentieth Century Studios' Avatar is a 2009 science fiction movie directed by James Cameron. The film is set in the mid-22nd century and follows the journey of Jake Sully, a paraplegic former Marine, who is brought to the planet Pandora to serve his twin brother's research project. On Pandora, Sully finds himself thrust into a conflict between humans, who are mining a precious mineral, and the Na'vi, the local tribe who inhabit the planet.
Apart from its stunning visuals, Avatar is widely recognized for its pioneering use of 3D technology and motion capture for its characters, which earned it numerous accolades, including three Academy Awards. It also broke multiple box office records, grossing over $2.7 billion globally, making it the highest-grossing film of all time until its record was surpassed by Avengers: Endgame in 2019.
The film's success has resulted in multiple sequels, the first of which, Avatar 2, is scheduled to be released in December 2022, with three more installments planned to follow in the coming years. The sequels are expected to continue the story of Jake Sully, and the Na'vi, and explore more of the breathtaking world of Pandora. The anticipation for the sequels is incredibly high, and it will be interesting to see how Cameron and his team manage to live up to the high expectations set by the original movie.