Playmobil is a renowned toy company that has captured the hearts and imaginations of children and adults alike for decades. Founded in 1974 by German toy maker Hans Beck, Playmobil has become synonymo...
Playmobil DreamWorks Dragons Hiccup and Toothless are two amazing toy figures that have been inspired by the famous movie "How To Train Your Dragon". The figures are made by the German toy company Playmobil, famous for its stunning toy figures that inspire children to engage in imaginative play.
Hiccup, the main character, comes with his signature helmet and a shield. His outfit is complete with his trademark brown tunic and boots. Hiccup's striking facial features are a testament to the detailed workmanship that has gone into making this toy figure.
Toothless is the legendary dragon that has won the hearts of children across the world with his loyalty and bravery. The toy figure is a fantastic replication of the dragon with incredible attention to detail. Toothless features his signature sleek and aerodynamic design with striking blue eyes that light up, giving the toy a more realistic look and feel.
The Playmobil DreamWorks Dragons Hiccup and Toothless set comes with a range of accessories, including a projectile shooter, which adds another level of excitement to playtime. Children can also use these toy figures to re-enact their favourite scenes from the movie and create new stories of their own.
Overall, the Playmobil DreamWorks Dragons Hiccup and Toothless set is an exceptional addition to any child's collection. With its fine details and great accessories, it's the perfect toy to inspire creative play and assist your child in expanding their imagination.