Warner Home EntertainmentWarner Home Entertainment is a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and a global leader in the distribution, production, and marketing of home entertainment. The compan...
Warner Home Entertainment released the movie 'Argo' on home entertainment platforms on December 3, 2013, in an extended edition on Blu-ray. The movie, directed by Ben Affleck, had won several awards, including the Best Picture Oscar at the 2013 Academy Awards. The movie is based on the true story of the rescue of six U.S. diplomats from Tehran, Iran in 1980. The rescue was carried out under the guise of a science-fiction movie production, with CIA operative Tony Mendez (played by Affleck) orchestrating the plan. 'Argo' was a critical and commercial success, and the Warner Bros. subsidiary benefited from the movie's popularity. Warner Bros. basked in the golden glow of coveted awards and a likely boost for ticket and home entertainment sales.