In 2013, Acura released a captivating television advertisement featuring their beloved MDX model. This particular TV spot was titled 'Automobile Magazine' and aimed to highlight the cutting-edge features and sleek design of the Acura MDX. The commercial opens with a sweeping aerial shot of a winding...
In 2014, Acura released a captivating television spot for their MDX model, titled 'Made for Mankind.' This commercial not only showcased the sleek design and advanced features of the Acura MDX but also aimed to highlight the symbiotic relationship between technology, nature, and humanity. Accompanie...
In 2014, Acura released a remarkable TV spot that captivated audiences and showcased the innovative features of the Acura MDX. Titled 'The Clear Path,' this visually stunning advertisement took viewers on a journey through breathtaking landscapes, symbolizing the captivating experience that awaited...
The 2015 Acura RDX TV Spot, 'Drive Like a Boss' is a commercial that showcases the sleek and sophisticated features of the Acura RDX vehicle. The commercial begins with a shot of the RDX driving on a dark road and then quickly transitions to a close-up of the car's exterior. The camera then takes us...
The 2015 Acura TLX TV Spot, 'More' was one of the most popular automobile commercials of the year. The TV spot featured an immersive visual experience that showcased the advanced features of the Acura TLX. The ad begins with a close-up shot of the headlights of the TLX, highlighting the jewel-like a...
In the summer of 2015, Acura released a captivating television commercial for their all-new TLX model. The ad, titled "My Way," was set to the iconic punk-rock anthem "My Way" by Sid Vicious, a former member of the legendary band Sex Pistols. The use of this rebellious song choice perfectly encapsul...
In 2017, the Acura MDX made a dazzling appearance on television screens across the nation in a captivating TV spot aptly titled 'Focus.' Set to the infectious beats of the song "Wow" by Beck, this commercial aimed to showcase the remarkable features and performance of the Acura MDX.The commercial op...
In 2017, Acura released an exhilarating TV spot for their cutting-edge model, the Acura TLX. The advertisement, titled "Performance Car: Driving Modes," was a brilliant display of the car's versatility and dynamic capabilities. Set to an energetic soundtrack by J Motor, the commercial aimed to capti...
In the 2018 Acura TLX TV spot, titled 'Car + iPhone,' the luxury car manufacturer showcases the sophisticated features of their sleek sedan in a stylish and captivating way. The commercial is set to the upbeat and catchy tune "Show Me" by Kid Ink.The ad opens with a breathtaking shot of the Acura TL...
The 2022 Acura MDX commercial featuring the iconic song "We Will Rock You" by Queen was an instant hit. The TV spot titled "Same DNA" showcased the evolution of the Acura MDX over the years and how it has maintained its signature DNA.The commercial starts by showing the previous models of the Acura...
The 2023 Acura MDX is taking the luxury SUV market by storm, and it's no surprise why. The latest television commercial for the MDX, titled 'Space,' features the all-new SUV in stunning fashion, set to the beat of Austin Fray and Bruce Fingers' catchy tune.The spot begins with the Acura MDX soaring...
Title: TLX and TLX: A Dazzling TV Spot for the 2023 Acura TLXIntroduction:In 2023, Acura's flagship luxury sedan, the TLX, took the automotive industry by storm with its cutting-edge design, remarkable performance, and advanced technology. To showcase the unrivaled sophistication of the TLX, Acura r...
The Acura Integra Type S TV Spot, 'Dedicated to the Streets' [T1] is a high-energy commercial that showcases the sleek design and impressive performance of the sports car. The spot begins with a shot of the street as the sound of a revving engine can be heard in the background. The camera then focus...
The Acura MDX TV spot 'Space' is a stunning piece of advertising that perfectly captures the essence of luxury and adventure. The commercial features the spacious and elegant interior of the Acura MDX, set against a backdrop of breathtaking, otherworldly landscapes. The centerpiece of the ad is the...
In the Acura MDX TV spot titled 'The Test', viewers are taken on a thrilling journey that showcases the incredible capabilities of this luxury SUV. The commercial opens with a gorgeous aerial shot of a winding mountain road, surrounded by breathtaking scenery. The camera then zooms in on the sleek a...
The Acura Performance Golf Package TV Spot, titled 'Point of View: Golf', is a visually stunning advertisement that showcases the extraordinary features of Acura's latest Performance Golf Package. The commercial highlights the performance of Acura vehicles and their prowess in the world of golf.The...
Title: Acura Season of Performance Event TV Spot - 'Deck the Halls' Welcome to the Acura Season of Performance Event, where holiday magic meets incredible deals! 'Tis the season to be jolly and drive in style. And what better way to celebrate the holidays than with an Acura? Walk into our showroom a...
The Acura Spring Into Performance TV spot, titled "Drop the Mic," is a high-energy commercial that showcases the sleek and dynamic design of Acura vehicles. As the ad opens, we see a man stepping out of his Acura and walking confidently toward a set of microphones. The camera then pans out to reveal...
In the Acura Spring Into Performance TV spot titled 'Space', a captivating and exhilarating atmosphere is created as the viewer is taken on a thrilling journey through the cosmos. Accompanied by the mesmerizing sounds of Austin Fray and Bruce Fingers' song, the commercial truly captures the essence...
In the captivating Acura Spring Into Performance TV spot titled 'TLX and TLX' [T1], viewers are taken on a thrilling journey that showcases the exhilarating power and luxurious design of the Acura TLX models. The commercial opens with a sweeping aerial shot of a winding mountain road, surrounded by...
The Acura TLX TV spot titled 'TLX and TLX' [T1] is a captivating commercial that showcases the luxury, style, and performance of the 2023 Acura TLX. In the ad, we see two identical red Acura TLX models driving down the road, closely following each other. As they make their way through the city, the...
Title: Acura TV Spot: Let the Race BeginIntroduction:In the ever-competitive world of luxury automobiles, Acura has always managed to captivate its audience with its blend of performance, style, and innovation. In this TV spot titled "Let the Race Begin," Acura takes us on an exhilarating journey th...
Title: Acura TV Spot, 'Premium Performance' Song by Charlie Feathers [T2]Introduction:Get ready to experience the thrill of premium performance as Acura takes you on a journey like no other. In their captivating TV spot, Acura showcases their passion for innovation and cutting-edge technology, all w...
Epoch Films is a leading independent production company located in New York City. Founded in 1989 by Director/Producer Sheila Nevins, the company has built a reputation for producing some of the most distinctive, innovative and thought-provoking content in the film and television industry.Epoch Films has been instrumental in bringing some of the most innovative and ground-breaking content to audiences worldwide. The company has produced numerous...
MullenLowe is a full-service advertising and marketing communications agency with its headquarters based in Boston , Massachusetts. It is a part of MullenLowe Group, which is a multinational marketing and communications network, and has a presence in several countries around the world.The agency prides itself on being a creatively driven organization that is committed to being a challenger in the industry. It has won several awards for its creati...
RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation, which is a technology that helps to automate business processes. Companies are implementing RPA solutions to reduce the manual effort and increase the efficiency of their operations. One such company that is making waves in the RPA industry is the RPA Company.The RPA Company is a leading software company that specializes in developing RPA solutions for a variety of industries. Their goal is to help compa...
Smuggler is a renowned production company that specializes in creating advertising commercials, music videos, and feature films. The company was founded in 2001 by Patrick Milling-Smith and Brian Carmody, and since then, it has grown into one of the most sought-after production houses in the entertainment industry.Smuggler has its headquarters in New York City, but it operates globally, with additional offices in London, Los Angeles, and Stockhol...
Acura Company Overview
Acura is a luxury automotive brand that is owned by the Honda Motor Company. It was created in 1986, making it one of the youngest luxury brands in the market. Acura's headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan, and it has its operations primarily based in North America. Since its inception, Acura has gained a reputation for producing high-quality vehicles that offer a good value proposition.
Acura Vehicles
Acura offers a range of luxury sedans and SUVs designed to provide a comfortable and enjoyable driving experience. All Acura models are built with high-quality materials and come loaded with a host of features. Some of the popular Acura models include:
1. Acura NSX2. Acura TLX3. Acura RDX4. Acura MDX5. Acura RLX
Acura Customer Service
Acura is known for providing excellent customer service to its clients. Acura Automobiles has a network of over 270 dealerships in the United States that offer a wide range of services to its customers, from sales to financing to servicing. Acura Client Relations is also available to assist customers with any questions or concerns they may have.
Customers can reach out to Acura Client Relations by submitting a form on the Acura website or by calling their toll-free number. Acura also has a presence on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which customers can use to engage with the brand and stay up-to-date on the latest news and events.
Overall, Acura is a luxury brand that strives to provide its customers with high-performance, reliable, and comfortable vehicles. With a focus on customer service and a wide range of models to choose from, it's no wonder that Acura has become a popular choice among luxury car buyers.