Sonic Drive-In has launched a new TV spot called "Cravings Come in Different Sizes," which highlights their $2 and $3 Craves menu items. The ad features two friends driving down the highway when they start talking about their cravings. One friend admits that she has a craving for something sweet, wh...
Sonic Drive-In has just released a new TV spot to promote their latest mouth-watering offer. The Sonic Drive-In $2 and $3 Craves commercial is bound to get your saliva glands going with the catchy tune "Never Let You Go" by Third Eye Blind playing in the background. The commercial has been titled "L...
The Sonic Drive-In $5 SONIC Boom Box TV spot titled 'Mary Tots' is an exciting and engaging commercial that showcases one of Sonic's most popular menu items - the Tots! The advertisement begins with a young woman named Mary walking up to a Sonic Drive-In to order her favorite meal - the $5 SONIC Boo...
The Sonic Drive-In Asiago Chicken Sandwich TV Spot titled 'Mind-Blown Notes' is an absolutely captivating advertisement that is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches it. In this spot, we see a young couple sitting in a car, enjoying the delicious new Asiago Chicken Sandwich from S...
The Sonic Drive-In BOGO Wing Night TV spot titled 'Can't Choose' is a hilarious and captivating advertisement that highlights the dilemma of choosing between two delicious wing flavors. The ad features two friends, sitting in a Mustang, debating whether to choose between Sonic's Honey Barbecue and G...
Title: Sonic Drive-In BOGO Wings TV Spot - "The Taste of Free"Introduction:In this captivating and mouthwatering Sonic Drive-In TV spot titled "The Taste of Free," viewers are taken on a tantalizing journey as we explore the irresistible taste and unbeatable value of Sonic's Buy-One-Get-One (BOGO) W...
Title: Wingman - Sonic Drive-In's Chicken Wings TV SpotIntroduction:In Sonic Drive-In's energetic and mouthwatering TV spot, aptly titled "Wingman," the fast-food restaurant takes us on a flavor-packed adventure centered around their delectable boneless chicken wings. This thirty-second commercial s...
The Sonic Drive-In Boneless Wings TV Spot, 'History Channel' is a humorous advertisement that features a series of faux-historical vignettes that highlight the deliciousness of Sonic's boneless wings. The ad starts with a reenactment of a Viking battle, where the warriors are seen gnawing on bones i...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Carhop Classic TV Spot - "Heist"Intro:In this thrilling Sonic Drive-In Carhop Classic TV Spot titled "Heist," the beloved fast-food chain takes us on an exciting journey filled with action, mischief, and of course, mouthwatering food. Set in the quaint town of Oceanview, we are...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Carhop Classic TV Spot - "Knockout"Introduction:In this classic TV spot for Sonic Drive-In, titled "Knockout," we are taken on a whirlwind journey of delicious food, exciting carhops, and the charm that has made Sonic a beloved American fast-food chain. Get ready to experience...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Cheesy Bread Dogs TV Spot: 'Outside Counts'Introduction:In this captivating TV spot, Sonic Drive-In takes us on a mouth-watering journey with their enticing creation, the Cheesy Bread Dogs. Beyond the delectable taste, Sonic emphasizes the importance of what lies on the outside...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Chipotle Breakfast Burritos TV Spot: 'Success'Introduction:In a world of breakfast options, Sonic Drive-In takes the bold step of introducing their all-new Chipotle Breakfast Burritos. With a fiery combination of flavors and a tantalizing twist, these breakfast burritos are abo...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Cookie Jar Shakes TV Spot: 'Wedding' Feat. Jane KrakowskiIntroduction:In the world of fast food, Sonic Drive-In has always embraced creativity and playfulness in their advertising campaigns. One such campaign that caught the attention of many was their TV spot for the Cookie Ja...
Title: "Flispy: The Sonic Drive-In Experience with Jane Krakowski"Introduction: In a world filled with mouthwatering fast-food options, Sonic Drive-In continues to captivate audiences with their innovative and delicious offerings. In their latest TV spot, aptly titled "Flispy," they showcase their i...
Title: Overload: Sonic Drive-In's Double Stuff Oreo Waffle ConeIntroduction:In the bustling world of fast food advertising, Sonic Drive-In never fails to catch our attention. Their latest TV Spot, titled "Overload," showcases an irresistible creation that combines two beloved desserts: the Double St...
In the TV spot 'Limo Style,' Sonic Drive-In showcases its Footlong Hot Dogs in an extravagant, high-class setting. The commercial starts with a limousine pulling up to a red carpet event, as the driver steps out to open the door for the passenger. As the passenger steps out of the limousine, it's re...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Frozen Lemonade and Limeade TV Spot - 'Meditation'Introduction:In a world filled with chaos and constant busyness, Sonic Drive-In presents a captivating new TV spot, titled 'Meditation,' featuring their refreshing Frozen Lemonade and Limeade. This commercial takes viewers on a...
The Sonic Drive-In Candy Slushes TV spot, 'Kid in a Candy Store', is a whimsical and fun advertisement that showcases the delicious candy slushes that Sonic has to offer. The commercial features a young boy who is transported into a magical candy world where he is surrounded by a plethora of candy f...
Title: Memo - Sonic Drive-In's Half Price Shakes & Ice Cream SlushesIntroduction:Sonic Drive-In, the beloved fast-food chain known for its tasty treats and nostalgic drive-in experience, has released a captivating TV spot that showcases their Half Price Shakes & Ice Cream Slushes. In this advertisem...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Ice Cream Social March TV Spot, 'Wife'In a small town, nestled among rolling hills and a sense of close-knit community, Sonic Drive-In hosted their annual Ice Cream Social in March. The event was a much-anticipated occasion that brought together families, friends, and neighbors...
In the Sonic Drive-In Kevin Durant Candy Slush TV Spot, 'Dunk,' basketball superstar Kevin Durant shows off his dunking skills while enjoying Sonic's new Candy Slush. The ad begins with Durant driving up to a Sonic Drive-In, where he orders the new Candy Slush in a delicious blue raspberry flavor.As...
The Sonic Drive-In Kevin Durant Candy Slush TV Spot, 'One-on-One-on-One' is a creative and engaging advertisement that features Oklahoma City Thunder superstar Kevin Durant alongside two other versions of himself, all vying for the last sip of Sonic's latest Candy Slush drink.The advertisement start...
Title: Intense Delights: Sonic Drive-In's Lil' Chickies & Lil' Doggies TV SpotIntroduction:Step into the world of Sonic Drive-In's latest TV spot as we explore the exciting and intense flavors of their famous Lil' Chickies & Lil' Doggies combos. This adrenaline-pumping commercial takes you on a mout...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Lil' Doggies TV Spot: 'Obedience School'Introduction:Sonic Drive-In has always been known for their mouthwatering burgers and refreshing drinks, but they've recently unveiled a new addition to their menu that's melting hearts across the nation: the Lil' Doggies! With this new T...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Master Blast TV Spot, 'Adults' At Sonic Drive-In, we believe that being a kid at heart is a timeless quality. That's why our Master Blast treats are loved by kids and adults alike! As adults, we often forget to indulge in the simple pleasures of life. But at Sonic, we invite yo...
In the vibrant world of fast-food commercials, where appetite-inducing visuals and catchy jingles reign supreme, one advertisement stands out like a flash of lightning. Enter the Sonic Drive-In Pretzel Dogs TV spot, aptly titled 'Stadium,' a whirlwind of savory delights and electrifying energy.As th...
Title: Crowd Favorite: Sonic Drive-In's Red Bull Slushes TV SpotIntroduction:Sonic Drive-In, known for its delicious fast food and refreshing beverages, has captured the essence of summer in their new TV spot, "Crowd Favorite," featuring the popular song "Inside Tracks." This vibrant commercial show...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Red Bull Summer Edition Slush TV Spot: 'Life Hack' Song by Third Eye Blind Introduction:In the scorching heat of summer, Sonic Drive-In and Red Bull have collaborated to bring you an electrifying and refreshing beverage. The TV spot for the Sonic Drive-In Red Bull Summer Editio...
In Sonic Drive-In's exhilarating Red Button Roast TV Spot, titled 'Expressions,' the fast-food chain takes viewers on a wild ride of emotions. This vibrant and playful commercial showcases the comedic brilliance of Sonic's advertising team, as well as the deliciousness of their Red Button Roast coff...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Shakes TV Spot - 'Nicknames'In this delightful and humorous TV spot, Sonic Drive-In shakes take center stage as they bring people together, emphasizing the joy and camaraderie shared over these delicious treats.The ad opens with a group of friends sitting in a Sonic Drive-In ca...
Sonic Drive-In is a popular fast food chain that is known for their unique drive-in dining experience and delicious menu items. The Sonic Drive-In Signature Drinks TV Spot, 'Sommelier' is a commercial that showcases Sonic's latest line of refreshments and beverages in an interesting and creative way...
The Sonic Drive-In Sonic Griller TV Spot is a commercial that features the delicious "Backyard Burger," which is the perfect meal to enjoy during the summer when you're having a cookout with friends and family. The commercial is set in a backyard, where a family is grilling burgers on the BBQ while...
The Sonic Drive-In Sonic Griller is an exciting new addition to the restaurant's menu, and to promote it, the company has launched an electrifying TV spot set to the tune of Third Eye Blind's hit song "Semi-Charmed Life."In the ad, we see a group of friends enjoying the refreshing breeze of a summer...
Sonic Drive-In's Sonic Griller TV Spot features a catchy summer tune from Third Eye Blind, aptly named "Summer Breeze." The commercial highlights Sonic's new Sonic Griller menu items, which include a bacon double cheeseburger and jumbo popcorn chicken, both grilled to perfection.The scene opens with...
Sonic Drive-In's latest TV spot for their Sonic Splash Sodas features a humorous scenario involving a customer trying to figure out the price of their drink using a calculator on their phone. The ad opens with a young woman at a Sonic Drive-In ordering one of their refreshing Sonic Splash Sodas. How...
The Sonic Drive-In Southwest Chipotle Breakfast Burrito TV Spot, 'Kick Start' is an exciting and hunger-inducing advertisement that captures the essence of a perfect breakfast burrito. The commercial starts with a catchy beat and a bold, red background as the camera closes in on the burrito.The narr...
The Sonic Drive-In Spicy Chicken Sandwiches TV Spot, 'New Word' is an exciting and energetic advertisement that depicts the thrill of trying something novel and bold. The ad shows a group of friends hanging out in a car outside a Sonic Drive-In, excitedly discussing the new word they've discovered....
Title: "Not Your Mom's: Sonic Drive-In's Spicy Super Crunch Chicken Strips TV Spot"Introduction:In a world where flavor and excitement rule, Sonic Drive-In has once again raised the bar with their revolutionary new menu item - the Spicy Super Crunch Chicken Strips. This TV spot takes viewers on a mo...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Summer Shakes TV Spot: 'One of Each'Introduction:With the scorching summer sun beating down, Sonic Drive-In comes to the rescue with their delectable and refreshing Summer Shakes. In their TV spot titled 'One of Each,' Sonic tempts viewers with an irresistible array of mouthwat...
Title: Call Us Biased: Sonic Drive-In's Supersonic Double Stack Cheeseburger TV SpotIntroduction:In the fast-paced world of burgers, there are countless options to choose from. But when it comes to Sonic Drive-In's Supersonic Double Stack Cheeseburger, they proudly proclaim their bias. The TV spot,...
Title: Dave the Electrician[Upbeat music fades in][Scene opens with Dave, an electrician, holding a toolbox and standing in front of a broken sign]Dave: [Winking at the camera] "Hey there, folks! Dave the Electrician here, and I've got a supercharged surprise for you!"[Dave pulls out a small device...
The Sonic Drive-In Supersonic Double Stack Cheeseburger TV Spot, entitled "Tu lugar feliz" meaning "Your happy place," is a lively and colorful commercial that celebrates the joy and satisfaction of indulging in a delicious burger at Sonic.The commercial opens with shots of happy customers devouring...
Title: "Grounded: A Sweet Potato Adventure": "Welcome to Molly's Sweet Potato Farm, where delicious delights are grown with love and care.": "Introducing Molly, the mastermind behind Sonic Drive-In's new Sweet Potato Tots.": "Molly's secret recipe uses the finest ingredients, handpicked from her own...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Toasted S'mores Shake TV Spot, 'CMT: Being a Friend' Featuring Cassadee Pope, Lindsay EllIntroduction:In the world of vibrant Sonic Drive-Ins and mouthwatering treats, a new TV spot has emerged, featuring the popular artists Cassadee Pope and Lindsay Ell. This enticing commerci...
The Sonic Drive-In TV Spot, 'Breakfast Burritos' is a mouth-watering advertisement that offers a tempting portrayal of Sonic's breakfast burritos. The ad is set in a sunny suburban neighborhood, where three individuals - a young professional, a mother, and a high school student - are shown enjoying...
Title: Sonic Drive-In TV Spot - "Island Breeze Slushes"Introduction:In this exhilarating Sonic Drive-In television spot, we are taken on a thrilling journey that explores the refreshing and tropical flavors of their irresistible "Island Breeze Slushes." Buckle up and get ready for a mouthwatering ad...
Title: Sonic Drive-In TV Spot: 'MTV Movie & TV Awards: Which Three People Do You Thank?'Introduction:In this Sonic Drive-In TV spot, titled 'MTV Movie & TV Awards: Which Three People Do You Thank?', influencers Timothy DeLaGhetto and Darren Brand take the stage to share their gratitude towards three...
Title: Sonic Drive-In TV Spot: 'Paramount Network: Resident of the Wild West' Featuring Gavin CasalegnoIntroduction:In this thrilling Sonic Drive-In TV spot titled "Paramount Network: Resident of the Wild West," Gavin Casalegno takes center stage as he embarks on a wild west adventure that brings to...
Sonic Drive-In has teamed up with the Paramount Network to create a new television commercial that has been making waves. The ad spot, titled "Rom-Drams," features comedians Tim Chantarangsu and Darren Brand in starring roles. The commercial begins with a young couple, played by Chantarangsu and Bra...
Title: Sonic Drive-In TV Spot: "Slush Headquarters"Introduction:In this exhilarating Sonic Drive-In TV spot titled "Slush Headquarters," we are invited into a world where frosty slushes rule supreme. This imaginative and entertaining commercial captures the essence of Sonic's signature frozen treats...
In this thrilling TV spot titled 'TV Land: Blockbuster Hits', Sonic Drive-In brings the worlds of fast food and nostalgia together, featuring popular internet personalities Timothy DeLaGhetto and Darren Brand. As the iconic Sonic duo drives through a virtual landscape, they take viewers on a wild ri...
The Sonic Drive-In TV Spot, 'VH1: Shake Break' is a commercial that showcases the popular fast-food chain's milkshakes in a fun and engaging way. The commercial starts with a group of people dancing to a catchy tune while seated in a Sonic Drive-In parking lot, as they enjoy their delicious shakes.A...
Title: Sonic Drive-In TV Spot: 'Woke up One Day'Song by Third Eye BlindIntroduction:In the fast-paced world of advertising, companies are constantly seeking ways to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. Sonic Drive-In, renowned for its mouthwatering food and nostalgic drive-in experien...
The Sonic Drive-In Two Can Eat TV Spot, 'Seeing Double' showcases the restaurant's latest offer where two people can enjoy a meal for $9.99. The commercial features two sets of identical twins enjoying their meals at Sonic. The audience is shown different shots of the amazingly delicious burgers, fr...
Title: Sonic Drive-In's Ultimate Grilled Cheese TV Spot - "Business Class"Â Introduction:Sonic Drive-In, the famous fast-food chain known for its innovative menu offerings, is back with a new TV commercial showcasing their mouthwatering Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich. This TV spot, titled "Business...
Title: Sonic Drive-In Under $2 and $3 Craves TV Spot, 'Escucha tus antojos' canción de Third Eye BlindIntroduction:Sonic Drive-In, the iconic American drive-in fast-food chain, never fails to surprise its customers with irresistible deals and mouthwatering treats. In their recent TV spot, Sonic intr...
Title: Sonic's Dunked Chicken Sandwich: Full of Flavors and High-Flying Excitement!Introduction:In the latest TV spot for Sonic's Dunked Chicken Sandwich titled "Highlights," NBA superstar Zach LaVine takes center stage. This action-packed ad showcases the mouthwatering flavors and excitement that c...
Title: Sonic's Hickory Flat Melt Sandwiches: A Taste Explosion![Opening shot: A vibrant Sonic drive-in with cars lining up]Voiceover: Craving a melt-in-your-mouth sandwich experience that will have your taste buds dancing?[Cut to a close-up shot of the Sonic Hickory Flat Melt Sandwich]Voiceover: Int...
Title: Sonic Nights TV Spot: 'Big Names'Introduction:Lights. Camera. Action! The Sonic Nights TV spot titled 'Big Names' hits the screen, featuring the dynamic duo of Ellie Kemper and Jane Krakowski. In this catchy and comedic ad, the stars bring their delightful charm to the classic Sonic drive-in...
Sonic Slushes TV Spot, 'CMT: Transform Your Summer' Feat. Kellie Pickler is a vibrant and exciting commercial that encourages viewers to transform their summer with a delicious and refreshing Sonic Slush. The commercial features country music star Kellie Pickler, who adds a touch of Southern charm t...
Biscuit Filmworks is an award-winning commercial production company that specializes in producing high-quality commercials, branded content, and short films. The company was founded in 2000 by director Noam Murro, and has since grown into a premier production company known for its visually stunning and emotionally impactful work.Based in Los Angeles, Biscuit Filmworks has offices in New York, London, and Hong Kong, and has produced commercials fo...
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners is a San Francisco-based creative advertising agency that has been in the business for over 38 years. The company is renowned for creating some of the most memorable and impactful advertising campaigns for some of the world's most recognized brands such as Pepsi, Netflix, BMW, and Cisco, to name a few. The agency was founded in 1983 by Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein, and since then, it has been delivering innovati...
Mother is an independent creative that was founded in London in 1996. It has offices in London, New York, Los Angeles, and Shanghai. Mother is known for its creative and innovative approach to advertising and marketing. The prides itself on being a diverse and inclusive workplace, and it has gained a reputation as one of the world's most respected independent creative companies. Mother's mission is to create impactful and memorable work that reso...
ZenithOptimedia is a global advertising and media communications agency that operates in over 70 countries worldwide. The company was formed in 2001 through the merger of two leading advertising agencies, Zenith Media and Optimedia. ZenithOptimedia is part of the Publicis Groupe, a multinational advertising and public relations company.The agency provides its clients with a wide range of services including media planning and buying, digital marke...
Sonic Drive-In is a fast-food chain that began operating in 1953 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Today, it has become a household name with more than 3,500 locations in the United States alone, making it one of the largest chains of restaurants in the country.
The company is known for its unique drive-in style service, where customers are served their meals while sitting in their cars. The Sonic menu features a variety of fast-food items such as burgers, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, and fries. But what sets Sonic apart is its famous slushes, shakes, and drinks, which have become a fan favorite for many.
Sonic Drive-In is committed to providing an enjoyable dining experience for all of its customers, emphasizing a friendly atmosphere and exceptional service. The restaurant’s slogan, "This is how we Sonic," emphasizes their commitment to stand out in their industry.
In addition to their focus on quality food and top-notch service, Sonic has also worked to adapt to modern times. In 2020, they embraced the pandemic and launched their "contactless experience" to support touch-free ordering and payment.
Sonic Drive-In has a loyal fan base and continues to expand to new locations across the U.S. Their commitment to excellence and innovative thinking has positioned them as one of the leading fast-food chains in the market.