The Epic Roarin' T-Rex TV Spot, 'Warning to All' is a captivating commercial that will definitely catch your attention. The commercial begins with a shot of a dark alley where a group of shadowy figures can be seen huddled together, talking amongst themselves. This is immediately followed by a low g...
Title: Jurassic World Dominion: Unleash Your Wild Side with the Chomp 'N Roar Tyrannosaurus Rex Mask!Introduction:Get ready to transport yourself to the thrilling world of Jurassic World Dominion with the all-new Chomp 'N Roar Tyrannosaurus Rex Mask! This revolutionary TV spot, titled 'Jurassic Worl...
Title: Jurassic World Control ‘N Conquer Carnotaurus: Primal Attack FeatureWord Count: 317Introduction:Jurassic World, the iconic dinosaur franchise, brings us the latest and most thrilling addition to their line of action figures: the Control ‘N Conquer Carnotaurus. Packed with roaring, stomping, a...
Title: Jurassic World Dino Trackers TV Spot - 'Sightings'Introduction:In the adrenaline-pumping world of Jurassic World, danger always lurks around the corner. With dinosaurs roaming free on Isla Nublar, the need for skilled Dino Trackers has never been higher. In the captivating TV spot titled 'Sig...
Title: Jurassic World Dominion Mega Stomp & Rumble Giga Dino TV Spot: "He's Breaking Out!"Introduction:In the electrifying new TV spot for Jurassic World Dominion's Mega Stomp & Rumble Giga Dino toy line, the prehistoric beasts of Isla Nublar are breaking free! With heart-pounding visuals and ground...
The Jurassic World Dominion Uncaged Ultimate Pyroraptor TV Spot, titled 'Wild Predator', is an electrifying glimpse into the thrilling world of Jurassic Park. The spot showcases the newest member of the dinosaur family - the Pyroraptor - and highlights its savage and unstoppable nature.The Pyrorapto...
Jurassic World Extreme Chompin' Spinosaurus has become the talk of the town among dinosaur enthusiasts and fans. The TV spot titled 'Watch Out' features the massive Chompin' Spinosaurus moving through the jungle with its ferocious jaws wide open, ready to attack and devour its prey.The TV spot showc...
In the heart-pounding TV spot titled 'Meat Eater' for Jurassic World Feeding Frenzy, the awe-inspiring power of the Indominus Rex takes center stage. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-fueled journey as we delve into the chaos and excitement that unfolds within the world of this fearsome creature.The...
Title: "Nothing Can Contain It: Tyrannosaurus Rex Unleashed in Jurassic World Stomp 'N Escape"Introduction:In the heart-stopping TV spot for Jurassic World Stomp 'N Escape, the powerful and indomitable Tyrannosaurus Rex takes center stage. Aptly titled "Nothing Can Contain It," this ad provides a th...
The Jurassic World Strike 'N Roar Giganotosaurus is one of the fiercest creatures to ever walk the earth, and its size and strength are truly awe-inspiring. This fascinating creature has been brought to life in the new TV spot for the Jurassic World Strike 'N Roar Giganotosaurus toy, which boasts th...
Title: "Unleashing the Fiercest Ever: Jurassic World Thrash 'N Devour Tyrannosaurus Rex"Introduction:Enter the thrilling world where dinosaurs roam and reign supreme. Jurassic World, the epitome of dinosaur amusement parks, is back with a brand-new attraction that will send shivers down your spine....
The new TV spot for Jurassic World Dominion has just been released, featuring the iconic Tyrannosaurus Rex Chomp 'N Roar Mask. Fans of the franchise will instantly recognize the fierce roar of the T-Rex as it dominates the screen in this exciting new advertisement.The Jurassic World Dominion TV spot...
Mattel and Jurassic World
Mattel is an American multinational toy manufacturing company that has exclusive rights to produce toys and action figures for the Jurassic World franchise. Mattel secured the license for the Jurassic World action figures ahead of the release of the 2018 blockbuster movie, "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" after rival toymaker Hasbro was unable to reach an agreement with the franchise’s owner, Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures.
Mattel has been producing an extensive range of action figures, role-playing games, and playsets based on the Jurassic World franchise, that have been popular among kids and collectors alike. Their range of toys includes everything from realistic dinosaur figures that interact with humans to remote-controlled vehicles that can navigate any terrain. Mattel's flagship Jurassic World toy is perhaps the Real Feel Mosasaurus, which has been incredibly popular with kids since its release.
The company has also released a number of collectible items for the avid fans of the franchise. In 2019, Mattel opened a new collector platform, "Mattel Creations," which allowed fans to reimagine and recreate some of the most iconic toys in the world, including some Jurassic World collectibles.
Aside from their toys, Mattel has also collaborated with the Jurassic World franchise in other ways, such as the Dive-N-Soar pterosaur drone they released in 2020.
In summary, Mattel's partnership with the Jurassic World franchise has been incredibly lucrative. They have been able to produce a wide range of toys and collectibles that have allowed fans to connect with the franchise on a much deeper level.