Mattel and Jurassic World Mattel is an American multinational toy manufacturing company that has exclusive rights to produce toys and action figures for the Jurassic World franchise. Mattel secured th...
Jurassic World Roar Strikers Ankylosaurus is a unique toy from Mattel's Jurassic World line. This toy features the iconic spiked and armored body that makes the Ankylosaurus so recognizable. The toy is made with attention to detail, capturing the essence of the dinosaur and bringing it to life with realistic sound effects.
What sets the Jurassic World Roar Strikers Ankylosaurus apart from other dinosaur toys is its ability to roar. The roar is triggered when the toy is bounced or smacked on a hard surface, mimicking the sound of the Ankylosaurus in the movie. The roar is powerful and adds an extra level of excitement when playing with the toy.
The Jurassic World Roar Strikers Ankylosaurus is also built to withstand rough play. The toy is sturdy and can endure being dropped, thrown, and bounced without breaking or losing its roar feature.
Kids who love dinosaurs and Jurassic World will enjoy playing with the Roar Strikers Ankylosaurus. This toy is a great addition to any collection and will provide hours of imaginative play.