Book of the Month is an innovative and beloved company that has been revolutionizing the way people discover and experience great literature since its inception. With a rich history spanning several d...
St. Martin's Press published "An Anonymous Girl", a psychological thriller novel co-authored by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen, on January 8, 2019. The novel follows Jessica Farris, a struggling makeup artist who takes part in a psychological study conducted by Dr. Shields to earn some quick cash. However, the study quickly takes a dark turn as Jessica realizes that she has unknowingly become Dr. Shields' pawn in a twisted game of manipulation and mind games.
The story is narrated from both the perspectives of Jessica and Dr. Shields, making it a gripping and suspenseful read. As the plot unfolds, it becomes difficult to decipher who is telling the truth and who is hiding something. The characters are well-written and complex, and the authors do an excellent job of exposing their deepest fears and motivations.
The novel received critical acclaim and was praised for its intricate plot twists and engaging narrative. It debuted at number one on the New York Times Bestseller list and stayed there for several weeks. It has been described as a chilling and disturbing read that leaves the reader questioning their own morality. Overall, "An Anonymous Girl" is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and those who enjoy a well-crafted suspenseful story.