Sailor Jerry Rum is a popular brand of spiced rum that is beloved by rum enthusiasts and cocktail lovers alike. The brand is inspired by the legendary tattoo artist Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins, who...
Sailor Jerry Rum is a spiced rum brand that is named after Norman Keith Collins, who is considered to be the father of old-school tattoos. Collins, who was a writer, a poet and a radio show host, was known for his unique take on tattoo art and the Sailor Jerry brand celebrates his legacy by producing high-quality spiced rums.
The original Sailor Jerry spiced rum is made using a blend of fine rums from the Caribbean along with a carefully curated recipe of natural spices. The rum is smooth and flavorful with hints of vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and a slightly sweet finish that makes it perfect for use in cocktails.
Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum has won several awards , including a Silver medal at the International Wine & Spirits Competition. It is available in different sizes including 375ml, 750ml, and 1.75l, making it perfect for both personal use and events.
In addition to the original spiced rum, Sailor Jerry has also collaborated with veterans to create an iron-side BBQ sauce that features the unique flavor of the spiced rum. The BBQ sauce is known for its smoky and sweet taste, with a slight kick of heat.
Overall, Sailor Jerry Rum is a premium spiced rum brand that is loved by many. Whether you are sipping it on the rocks or using it as an ingredient in cocktails or recipes, Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum is a great addition to any liquor cabinet.