In 2013, the Super Bowl and the Grammy Awards collided in a groundbreaking promotional campaign that left audiences in awe. The collaboration between these two iconic events brought forth a spectacle of music, sports, and entertainment that would forever be etched in the memories of fans worldwide.T...
CBS Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo, 'Local Community' was a heartwarming advertisement that highlighted the importance of community and togetherness. The promo featured a diverse range of people from different backgrounds who came together to prepare for and watch the Super Bowl. The video showed various...
In the weeks leading up to Super Bowl 2021, CBS released a TV promo that generated a lot of buzz among viewers. Titled 'New Comedy', the ad showcased a slew of upcoming comedy shows that were set to air on the network in the months following the big game. The promo was notable for its witty humor an...
CBS Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo, 'Together' was a highly-anticipated television ad that aired during the Super Bowl, one of the biggest sporting events in the United States. The promotional video showcased the premier network's commitment to bringing people together through sports and entertainment. Th...
Title: CBS This Morning App TV Spot: "Wake up to a world of news and inspiration with the CBS This Morning App.": "Get the latest breaking news, in-depth interviews, and captivating human interest stories all in one place.": "Our dedicated team of journalists delivers informative and engaging conten...
Title: 'Heavy' - Clarice Super Bowl 2021 TV PromoIn the electrifying buildup to Super Bowl 2021, audiences were treated to an unexpected and captivating TV promo that left them thirsting for more. Titled 'Heavy,' the promo showcased a side of the highly anticipated television series, Clarice, that s...
The Clarice Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo was all about creating a buzz and generating excitement for the upcoming premiere of the highly anticipated crime drama. The promo was titled 'Hello' and it featured a haunting rendition of the classic song 'Hello' by Adele.As the music played in the background,...
Title: FBI: Most Wanted Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo, 'Cybercrime'Introduction:In one of the most thrilling and action-packed Super Bowl TV promos of all time, the hit television series FBI: Most Wanted takes viewers on a heart-pounding ride into the world of cybercrime. This captivating promo showcases...
The Equalizer Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo, titled 'Here Comes the Queen,' was a powerful and action-packed ad that showcased the dynamic character of Robyn McCall, played by Academy Award-winning actress Queen Latifah. The one-minute commercial opened with Latifah's character descending from a helicopt...
The Equalizer Super Bowl 2021 TV promo titled 'How Many' was an exciting teaser that had viewers eagerly waiting for the season premiere of the highly anticipated series. The promo, which aired during the Super Bowl LV, featured the show's lead actress, Queen Latifah, as Robyn McCall, a former CIA o...
The Equalizer Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo, 'Problem' was an intense and action-packed advertisement that aired during the Super Bowl in 2021. The commercial featured Denzel Washington as his character Robert McCall, also known as "The Equalizer." McCall is a retired intelligence operative who uses his...
The Late Show Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo, 'Chicken Wings'In a world of extravagant Super Bowl commercials, The Late Show took a bold and unconventional approach with their 2021 TV promo, aptly titled 'Chicken Wings.' Breaking away from the glitz and glamour often associated with Super Bowl ads, this p...
Title: Tough as Nails Super Bowl 2021 TV Promo: 'America's Toughest Workers'Introduction:In a world where strength, determination, and resilience are revered, a groundbreaking TV promo took the Super Bowl 2021 by storm. Titled "America's Toughest Workers," the promo for the hit CBS show, Tough as Na...
In the dimly lit room, the sound of heavy breathing filled the air. Athletes clad in sweat-drenched jerseys stood in a circle, their muscles glistening under the unforgiving glare of the stadium lights. This was the heart of the Tough as Nails Super Bowl 2021 TV promo - a captivating glimpse into a...
Wavemaker is a global advertising company that specializes in helping businesses connect with their target audiences through innovative marketing strategies. The company was formed as a merger between two media giants, Maxus and MEC, and officially launched in 2018.Headquartered in London, United Kingdom, Wavemaker operates in over 90 countries worldwide, with over 8,500 employees working in more than 100 offices. The company's mission is to prov...
CBS Corporation is a media conglomerate and one of the largest entertainment companies in the United States. Founded in 1927 as the Columbia Broadcasting System, CBS has a rich history and has played a significant role in the development of both radio and television broadcasting.
History and OwnershipThroughout its early years, CBS became one of the largest radio networks in the United States , broadcasting popular programs and expanding its influence. In the 1940s, CBS ventured into television broadcasting, becoming one of the Big Three American broadcast television networks alongside NBC and ABC. Over the years, CBS has produced and aired a wide range of notable shows, news programs, and sports events.
In terms of ownership, CBS has undergone several changes throughout its history. It was initially an independent company until it was acquired by the American Record Corporation in 1931. However, financial difficulties eventually led to the studio selling its shares back to the network in 1932. CBS remained an independent company for the next several decades.
In the 1970s, CBS spun off its broadcast syndication division, Viacom, into a separate company, allowing both entities to focus on their respective areas of expertise. In 1995, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation acquired CBS and renamed the company CBS Broadcasting Inc. Two years later, the company adopted the name CBS Corporation. In 2000, CBS came under the control of the original incarnation of Viacom , which had been formed as a spin-off of CBS in 1971. However, in 2005, Viacom split into two separate companies, Viacom and CBS Corporation, becoming independent entities once again.
Programming and ContentCBS has a wide range of programming across various genres, including drama, comedy, reality TV, news, and sports. The network has produced and aired many popular shows over the years, such as "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," "NCIS," "The Big Bang Theory," "Survivor," and "60 Minutes," to name just a few. It has also been home to major live events and sports broadcasts, including the Super Bowl and the NCAA March Madness tournament.
In addition to its broadcast network, CBS has expanded its presence in the entertainment industry. It formed the CBS Television Studios, which is responsible for creating and producing original programming for various platforms, including streaming services and cable networks. CBS also owns and operates the Showtime premium cable network and has a significant presence in the publishing industry through Simon & Schuster.
Leadership and Recent DevelopmentsOver the years, CBS has been