The 2012 Chrysler Town and Country TV Spot, 'The Test of Ownership' is an advertisement that highlights the durability and reliability of the minivan as it undergoes various challenges throughout its lifetime. The commercial showcases a family with young children as they travel in their Chrysler Tow...
The 2013 Chrysler 300C John Varvatos TV spot, titled "Perfect Details," was a stunning showcase of the luxurious and stylish design of the Chrysler 300C. The commercial was directed by fashion photographer David Bailey and starred renowned fashion designer John Varvatos, who collaborated with Chrysl...
In 2013, Chrysler Town & Country released a captivating TV spot that left viewers in awe. Titled 'Haven't Seen it All,' this event-focused commercial introduced the world to the luxurious and innovative features of the Chrysler Town & Country minivan.The TV spot opens with a shot of a bustling citys...
The 2015 Chrysler 200 TV Spot titled 'Born Makers' was a highly engaging and inspiring advertisement for the innovative mid-size car. The ad featured people who were all 'Born Makers,' meaning they had the creativity, drive, and inspiration to create and innovate. The ad showcased various people fro...
The 2015 Chrysler 200 TV spot titled "German Performance: Worthy of the Autobahn" was designed to showcase the exceptional performance of the new Chrysler 200. The commercial features a group of German engineers testing the vehicle's performance on an Autobahn in Germany.The TV spot begins with the...
In 2015, Chrysler released a television commercial for their new 2015 Chrysler 200, titled 'Japanese Quality'. The commercial features the popular American hip hop band, The Roots, performing their song 'Never' as the backdrop for the commercial. The commercial aimed to challenge the perception that...
In 2015, Chrysler released a captivating television commercial featuring one of baseball's greatest sluggers, Miguel Cabrera. Titled 'Miggy at the Bat,' this TV spot showcased the power and precision of both the all-new Chrysler 200 and the Venezuelan baseball icon.The commercial opens with a sweepi...
In 2017, Chrysler introduced their new Pacifica minivan, and they did it in style! The automaker released a creative TV commercial promoting their new release, the 2017 Chrysler Pacifica. The commercial titled "Envy: Neighbors" features a family, the "Joneses," who just got their hands on the Pacifi...
The 2017 Chrysler Pacifica TV Spot, 'Envy' is an advertisement that showcases the luxurious features of the new Chrysler Pacifica minivan. The commercial opens with a shot of a group of kids approaching a sleek and stylish Pacifica parked in front of their house. They are all envious of their neighb...
In 2017, Chrysler released a TV spot promoting their new Pacifica minivan, featuring comedian Jim Gaffigan. The commercial was titled 'Good For Your Dad Brand' and played off the idea that minivans are often associated with family-life and fatherhood.The ad begins with a shot of Jim Gaffigan sitting...
In 2017, Chrysler launched a compelling television commercial for its Pacifica minivan starring late-night host Seth Meyers. The TV spot, titled "Headbanger," features Meyers riding in the back of a new 2017 Chrysler Pacifica while listening to heavy metal music on headphones.As Meyers headbangs to...
In 2017, Chrysler wowed audiences with their unique and entertaining TV spot for the Chrysler Pacifica titled 'Neighborhood Watch: Salads.' This captivating advertisement took a lighthearted approach to showcasing the features of the minivan while demonstrating the importance of community and family...
In 2017, Chrysler Pacifica released a captivating TV spot titled 'Stow 'n Go,' which featured the hilarious comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan. This commercial not only showcased the functionality of the Pacifica's unique Stow 'n Go seating and storage system but also incorporated Gaffigan's trademark...
In 2017, the Chrysler Pacifica embarked on an exciting advertising campaign that showcased its family-friendly features in a playful and imaginative way. One of the most memorable TV spots from this campaign was the collaboration with the animated movie "The Secret Life of Pets" and the talented com...
The 2017 Chrysler Pacifica TV spot featuring 'The Secret Life of Pets' and Cat Greenleaf was an instant hit among viewers. The advertisement showcased the all-new Pacifica minivan, which was designed to cater to families looking for a dependable, spacious, and safe vehicle.The commercial opens with...
The 2019 Chrysler Pacifica TV spot, 'Talking Van: Are We a Van Family?' is a heartwarming tale of a family trying to decide whether or not to get a minivan. The commercial starts with a young girl asking her parents whether they're a "van family" or not. The parents are unsure, but as they drive the...
The 2022 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid TV Spot, 'Van Life for Real Life: Farmer's Market' [T2] is a commercial that showcases the versatility and spaciousness of the Pacifica Hybrid. The ad begins by showing a family of four driving down the road in their Pacifica Hybrid. As they approach a farmer's mark...
The 2022 Chrysler Pacifica TV spot, 'Van Life for Real Life: Duel' [T2] showcases the Pacifica's impressive capabilities and features, highlighting the brand's commitment to delivering a top-notch experience for families on the go.The commercial is set in a picturesque outdoor setting, where two fam...
The Chrysler 200 TV spot, 'L.A. Love' featuring Fergie was an instant hit when it first aired in 2015. The commercial was shot in the glitz and glamour of Los Angeles, featuring Fergie cruising in a sleek and stylish Chrysler 200. The TV spot was an excellent showcase of the car's power, handling, a...
The Chrysler 4th of July Sales Event TV spot, titled 'Van Life for Real Life: Duel' is an exciting and captivating advertisement that showcases the versatility and practicality of the Chrysler Pacifica minivan. The TV spot is set in a post-apocalyptic world where two characters engage in an intense...
The Chrysler 4th of July Sales Event TV spot, titled 'Van Life for Real Life: Farmer's Market', is an advertisement that showcases the versatility and comfort of the Chrysler Pacifica minivan. The ad depicts a family cruising through a farmer's market, stopping at various stalls to pick up groceries...
Title: "Reason to Celebrate: Chrysler Anniversary Celebration Event": "In a world where milestones are celebrated, there's one event that stands above the rest. Join us as we raise a toast to Chrysler's remarkable journey, marking a momentous occasion.": "For over a century, Chrysler has been the ep...
In a world where imagination knows no bounds, Chrysler has taken a bold step to bring their latest Big Finish Event to life. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, Chrysler introduces us to a unique group of individuals known as the "PacifiKids." These charismatic youngsters embark on a...
Title: Smart Cookie: 2017 Pacifica - Chrysler Big Finish Event TV Spot Description: The Chrysler Big Finish Event TV spot, 'Smart Cookie: 2017 Pacifica' [T2], takes viewers on a heartwarming journey highlighting the versatility and intelligence of the 2017 Chrysler Pacifica. This emotionally charged...
The Chrysler Black Friday Sales Event TV Spot featuring 'PacifiKids' song by OneRepublic is an exciting and energetic commercial that highlights the Pacifica Hybrid minivan. The commercial features a group of children, known as the "PacifiKids," who take over a Chrysler dealership to showcase the mi...
Title: Chrysler Black Friday Sales Event TV Spot, 'Sesame Street: Smart Cookie'Introduction: In a groundbreaking cross-promotional campaign, Chrysler has teamed up with the beloved characters from Sesame Street to create a heartwarming and entertaining TV spot for their Black Friday Sales Event. Tit...
Title: Chrysler Labor Day Sales Event TV Spot, 'Before Functionality' [T2]Introduction:The Chrysler Labor Day Sales Event is one of the most eagerly awaited periods in the automotive industry. It is a time when car enthusiasts and potential buyers flock to dealerships, eager to take advantage of exc...
The Chrysler Pacifica Blockbuster Sales Event TV Spot, 'Toy Story 4: All Clear' [T2] is a creative and engaging commercial that features scenes from the popular animated movie, Toy Story 4. The spot begins with two children sitting in the back seat of a Chrysler Pacifica minivan, watching the film o...
The Chrysler Pacifica Blockbuster Sales Event TV Spot, 'Toy Story 4: Dance Party' [T1] is an advertisement that features the beloved characters from the Toy Story franchise. The TV spot features a family driving their Chrysler Pacifica and spontaneously breaking out into a dance party, led by Forky,...
The Chrysler Pacifica Incredible Sales Event TV Spot features the beloved characters from Disney's "Incredibles 2" movie. The commercial starts with the family of superheroes cruising in a Pacifica along with the new character, Voyd, who is excitedly admiring the vehicle's features. Then, we see Voy...
The Chrysler Pacifica Sales Event TV Spot, 'Van Life for Real Life: Duel' is an exciting ad that features two families battling for the ultimate prize, the Chrysler Pacifica. The ad is geared towards families who are looking for a car that is spacious, versatile and can handle their everyday activit...
Chrysler Pacifica's "Van Life for Real Life: Farmer's Market" TV Spot is a heartwarming advertisement that shows how the Pacifica minivan can make daily errands, like going to the farmer's market, convenient and enjoyable. The ad opens with a mom and her kids climbing into their Pacifica minivan, re...
The Chrysler Pacifica Season TV Spot, 'Find Vanlightenment' [T2] is a creative advertisement that showcases the versatile and capable features of the 2023 Chrysler Pacifica. The commercial revolves around a family that is driving the Pacifica through different scenic locations, including the beach,...
Title: Before Functionality - A Striking Chrysler Pacifica TV SpotIntroduction:The Chrysler Pacifica is not just a minivan; it's a testament to luxurious comfort, innovation, and style. In the TV spot titled "Before Functionality," Chrysler showcases the Pacifica's striking features that go beyond i...
Title: Chrysler Pacifica TV Spot, 'Disney Junior: A Whole New World'Introduction:In this captivating television commercial, Chrysler Pacifica partners with Disney Junior to create a magical experience for families. The combination of the renowned Pacifica minivan and the enchanting world of Disney s...
The Chrysler Pacifica TV spot titled "Van Life for Real Life: Beach" takes viewers on a whimsical journey through the life of a family enjoying a day out by the sea in their trusty Pacifica van. The ad is part of a series of commercials for the vehicle, aiming to showcase how it can make life's adve...
Title: Van Life for Real Life: Duel - The Chrysler Pacifica TV SpotIntroduction:The Chrysler Pacifica TV spot, titled "Van Life for Real Life: Duel," takes viewers on an exhilarating journey that showcases the versatility and practicality of the renowned Chrysler Pacifica minivan. This ad captivates...
In the Chrysler Pacifica TV Spot, 'Vida van,' the minivan is presented as a vehicle that offers the perfect balance between functionality and style. The ad features a Latino family – a mother, father, and three kids – as they navigate their daily lives in their Pacifica.The TV spot opens with the mo...
Title: Trash Talk - A Chrysler Presidents' Day Event TV Spot : "Welcome to the Chrysler Presidents' Day Event. It's time to discover the power, elegance, and innovation that defines our brand.": "Meet the Johnsons and the Smiths, two families who took the challenge to redefine their driving experien...
In 2014, Chrysler released a once-in-a-lifetime ad campaign during the Super Bowl showcasing the American spirit and highlighting the country's industrial prowess. This commercial had a unique twist to it as it was narrated by music legend Bob Dylan.The commercial, which runs for two minutes, begins...
Title: "Motown Magic: Chrysler's Enduring Tribute"Introduction:In a whirlwind of nostalgia and automotive excellence, Chrysler rolls out a captivating TV commercial that pays homage to the legendary Motown era. Featuring the iconic Barry Gordy and the inimitable sounds of Marvin Gaye, this commercia...
The Chrysler TV Spot, 'Raising the Bar,' is an inspiring advertisement that showcases the brand's commitment to innovation and excellence. The commercial features a group of engineers working on the design of a new car, testing and adjusting every detail to ensure it meets their high standards.The a...
In the Chrysler TV spot, 'Road to Greatness', the famous Detroit Tigers player, Miguel Cabrera, takes on the role of the brand ambassador as he drives a Chrysler vehicle through the rugged terrain of his native Venezuela. The commercial starts with a shot of Cabrera standing on a cliff overlooking h...
Doner is an American advertising agency that has been around since 1937. It has its headquarters in Southfield, Michigan and several other locations throughout the United States, as well as internationally in places like London, Dubai, and Shanghai. The agency focuses on developing creative and effective marketing strategies for its clients, and has a reputation for producing award-winning campaigns across various industries.Doner offers a range...
GlobalHue is an American marketing and advertising agency that specializes in multicultural advertising. It was founded in 1988 by Don Coleman and has served many high-profile clients such as FedEx, American Airlines, and the US Navy. GlobalHue's services range from creative design and brand strategy to media buying and planning. In recent years, GlobalHue has faced some controversy, particularly regarding allegations of corruption and non-paymen...
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners is a San Francisco-based creative advertising agency that has been in the business for over 38 years. The company is renowned for creating some of the most memorable and impactful advertising campaigns for some of the world's most recognized brands such as Pepsi, Netflix, BMW, and Cisco, to name a few. The agency was founded in 1983 by Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein, and since then, it has been delivering innovati...
McCann Worldgroup is a global advertising and marketing communications company headquartered in New York City. The company was founded in 1930 by Marion Harper Jr. and has since grown to become one of the world's largest marketing and advertising agency networks.McCann Worldgroup offers a wide range of marketing and advertising services, including brand strategy, creative development, media planning and buying, digital marketing, public relations...
NBCUniversal is a leading media and entertainment company that is known worldwide for its impactful and innovative content. The company was originally founded as the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) in 1926 and has since grown to become a significant force in the media industry.Today, NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation and operates a range of divisions, including NBC, Universal Pictures, Telemundo, CNBC, and more. These divisi...
SapientNitro is a digital transformation and marketing consultancy that was acquired by Publicis Groupe, a global advertising and communications company, in 2014. It is now a part of the Publicis Sapient division, which offers digital business transformation and consulting services. SapientNitro provides end-to-end digital capabilities to its clients, including digital strategy, user experience design, technology implementation, and marketing ser...
TRG is a company that appears to have various areas of focus based on the search results. One of the main areas of focus for TRG appears to be management, as evidenced by its name, TRG Management Company, and multiple reviews and job postings on referencing TRG Management Company. The company seems to have a presence in various locations, including Tampa, FL and Westlake, OH.TRG also appears to have a creative side, with Greg Christens...
Wieden+Kennedy is a globally renowned creative advertising agency with its headquarters in Portland, Oregon. The company was founded in 1982 by two individuals by the name Dan Wieden and David Kennedy. The agency is popularly known for its incredibly innovative advertising campaigns that have managed to capture millions of people's attention around the world.Over the years, Wieden+Kennedy has been responsible for creating some of the most memorab...
IntroductionChrysler is an American automobile company that has its roots in the Maxwell Motor Company, which was formed in 1913. It was first incorporated as Chrysler Corporation in 1925 , and it was reorganized as Chrysler Group LLC in 2009. In 2014, it became a wholly owned subsidiary of Fiat SpA, and in 2021 , it merged with the French company PSA Group to form Stellantis NV , an automotive company.
Early HistoryChrysler's origins can be traced back to the Maxwell Motor Company, which was founded in 1904 by Jonathan Maxwell and Benjamin Briscoe. The company went through several name changes before becoming Chrysler Corporation in 1925 , under the leadership of Walter Chrysler. The company's early success was due in large part to Chrysler's innovative designs, such as the Chrysler Six, which was introduced in 1924.
Recent HistoryIn 2009, Chrysler filed for bankruptcy and was reorganized as Chrysler Group LLC. The following year, it entered into a partnership with Fiat SpA, which eventually led to Fiat's acquisition of a controlling stake in the company in 2014. In 2021, Fiat Chrysler merged with PSA Group to form Stellantis.
Products and InnovationsOver the years , Chrysler has been known for its innovative designs and engineering. Some of its most well-known products include the Chrysler Six, the Airflow, the Town and Country, and the minivan. The company has also been involved in numerous technological advancements, such as the development of the first alternators and the first electronic fuel injection system.
Contact InformationFor questions related to Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, Ram and Fiat, customers can contact Mopar customer support or Chrysler Capital. Stellantis provides a help and support tab for contacts and message sending options in the US and Canada.
FinancialsOne of the notable events in the recent history of Chrysler was its bankruptcy filing in 2009. The US government provided the company with $12.5 billion in loans to help it through the bankruptcy process. In 2011, the government sold its stake in Chrysler to Fiat, which now holds a controlling interest in the company.
ConclusionChrysler has a rich history in the American automobile industry and has played a significant role in the development of automotive technology. Today, it is part of Stellantis, one of the largest automotive companies in the world.