Title: The Magical Morning with Monsters: Kellogg's Cereal TV Spot, 'Monsters University'Introduction:In a whimsical and colorful world inhabited by monsters of all shapes and sizes, Kellogg's Cereal, the beloved breakfast staple, partnered with the iconic animated film 'Monsters University' to crea...
Title: Fruiter Space: Kellogg's Jumbo Snax TV SpotIntroduction:In Kellogg's latest TV spot titled "Fruiter Space," prepare to embark on an intergalactic adventure that combines the excitement of space travel with the delectable fun of Kellogg's Jumbo Snax. This whimsical and mouthwatering commercial...
Title: Kellogg's Jumbo Snax TV Spot, 'Unleash: Never Before Seen'Introduction:In a world filled with incredible snacks, Kellogg's Jumbo Snax has emerged as a game-changer. With their latest TV spot titled 'Unleash: Never Before Seen,' Kellogg's is taking snack time to new heights. This exciting adve...
The Kellogg's Jumbo Snax TV Spot, titled 'Unleash', takes viewers on an exhilarating journey filled with excitement, energy, and mouthwatering snacks. It begins with a captivating scene of a young group of friends making their way to an amusement park, brimming with anticipation for an unforgettable...
Kellogg's Spoon Straws TV Spot, 'Your Favorite Disney Characters' is an exciting and whimsical advertisement that showcases the versatility of Kellogg's Spoon Straws. This commercial features beloved Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, and many more, enjoying the fu...
Title: A Thrilling Quest for Victory in the Kellogg's Sweepstakes TV Spot, 'Win an Xbox Series X'Introduction:In the realm of breakfast cereals and gaming enthusiasts, a magnificent marketing crusade unfolded through the Kellogg's Sweepstakes TV Spot, 'Win an Xbox Series X.' This advertisement serve...
Kellogg's To Go is a brand of breakfast shakes that provide a convenient and nutritious breakfast for people on-the-go. The brand's TV commercial 'Get Up and Go' aims to promote the message that breakfast is important for a good start to the day, and Kellogg's To Go is the perfect solution for busy...
Title: Kellogg's Together With Pride Cereal TV Spot: 'VH1: Boxes'Introduction:In a colorful and heartwarming TV spot, Kellogg's Together With Pride Cereal celebrates the joy and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. Titled 'VH1: Boxes,' this vibrant advertisement aims to spread love, acceptance, and un...
The Kellogg's TV Spot titled 'An Evening Snack' is a heartwarming commercial that showcases the joys of enjoying a late-night snack with loved ones. The commercial features a family enjoying a bowl of Kellogg's cereal together after a long day. The song 'An Evening Snack' by Chilly Gonzales adds to...
Title: Kellogg's TV Spot, 'Aquí y Allá': Celebrating Cultural Diversity and the Power of BreakfastIntroduction:Kellogg's, the renowned breakfast brand, presents their heartwarming TV spot titled 'Aquí y Allá,' meaning 'Here and There.' This commercial showcases the diverse and vibrant cultures of di...
Kellogg's has released a new TV spot that promotes its latest offering of temporary tattoos based on the upcoming movie "Avatar: The Way of Water." The ad features a group of children excitedly activating their Kellogg's cereal box tattoos and showing them off to one another.The ad opens with a grou...
Title: Breakfasts of Every Kind: Kellogg's TV SpotIntroduction:Kellogg's, the renowned breakfast brand, unveils its captivating TV spot, 'Breakfasts of Every Kind.' This commercial is a delightful visual treat that celebrates the diversity of breakfast choices offered by Kellogg's. With a playful to...
Kellogg's TV Spot, 'Despicable Me 3 Create-a-Plate' is a whimsical and imaginative commercial that combines the beloved characters from the "Despicable Me" franchise with a fun activity for kids. In this delightful TV spot, Kellogg's invites viewers to join Gru, his Minions, and the adorable Agnes o...
Kellogg's TV Spot, 'En la mesa de Mamá aquí y allá', is a heartwarming and visually captivating advertisement that celebrates the power of food to bring families together. The commercial beautifully portrays the universal bond between a mother and her child, highlighting the importance of shared mea...
Kellogg's TV Spot, 'Free Movie Rental' Song by Chilly GonzalesIn a bustling cityscape filled with a vibrant array of colors and characters, the Kellogg's TV Spot, aptly named 'Free Movie Rental,' takes viewers on an exciting and whimsical adventure. Accompanied by the catchy and infectious beats of...
Kellogg's TV spot, 'Frozen 2 Temporary Tattoos' is an exciting and engaging advertisement that promotes the frozen 2 temporary tattoos included in Kellogg's cereal boxes. The ad features a young girl dressed as Elsa from frozen, excitedly showing off her Frozen 2 temporary tattoos to her family.The...
Kellogg's has been running their "Feeding Reading" program for several years, and it's a significant part of their corporate social responsibility strategy. The program aims to promote literacy amongst children by providing them with free books and nutritious breakfasts. They recently launched a TV...
Title: Kellogg's TV Spot - 'Lightyear: Decal Sets'Introduction:Kellogg's, the renowned breakfast cereal brand, has once again captivated audiences with their latest TV spot titled 'Lightyear: Decal Sets.' This electrifying advertisement highlights the beloved Toy Story character, Buzz Lightyear, and...
Kellogg's TV spot, 'No Kid Hungry: Better Days Initiative,' is a heartfelt and moving advertisement that showcases the company's commitment to ending hunger in America. This inspiring campaign aims to raise awareness of food insecurity in the United States and highlights the importance of the No Kid...
Kellogg's TV Spot 'Programa Feeding Reading' is a heartwarming ad that promotes literacy and education for children in Brazil. The ad starts with a young girl entering her classroom with a backpack filled with Kellogg's cereal boxes. As she begins to eat her breakfast, the cereal box transforms into...
Title: Kellogg's TV Spot, 'Team USA: What Gets You Started?' Feat. Julie JohnstonIntroduction:Kellogg's, the renowned food brand, has released a captivating television spot titled 'Team USA: What Gets You Started?' featuring Julie Johnston, a talented soccer player and member of the U.S. Women's Nat...
Kellogg's "Tomorrow is Yours to Claim" TV spot is a powerful advertisement that encourages viewers to seize the day and embrace their fullest potential. The commercial begins with the sun rising over a verdant landscape, setting the scene for a day of adventure and possibility.As the camera pans acr...
Leo Burnett is a renowned advertising company that has been in operation for over 80 years. Founded in 1935 by Leo Burnett, the company has grown to become one of the most respected and revered advertising agencies in the world.The company has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world, including Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Kellogg's, and Procter & Gamble, to name a few. It is known for its creative and innovative advertisements that capture...
Starcom is a world-renowned media communications agency that specializes in harnessing the power of media , technology, and data to create engaging and effective advertising campaigns. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Starcom is known for its innovative and data-driven approach to advertising, which has earned it numerous awards and accolades over the years.In recent years, Starcom has expanded its servic...
Overview Kellogg's is an American multinational food manufacturing company that produces a wide range of food products, including cereals, snacks, cookies, crackers, and other foods. The Kellogg Company was founded in 1906 by W.K. Kellogg in Battle Creek, Michigan, and has since grown to become a leading producer of breakfast cereals and other food products.
HistoryThe company was founded as the Sanitas Food Company in 1900 by brothers W.K. Kellogg and Dr. John H. Kellogg, who had developed a method of producing crunchy , flavourful flakes of processed grain that proved popular among the patients at Dr. Kellogg's Battle Creek Sanitarium. W.K. Kellogg eventually bought out his brother and established the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company in 1906. Through innovative advertising techniques and improvements in the quality of the cereals , the company prospered. The present name was adopted in 1922 after the company began making cereals other than cornflakes. In 1969, the company began to diversify, acquiring Salada Foods and introducing tea and desserts to its product line , and later Mrs. Smith's Pie Company, Fearn International, and Pure Packed Foods.
ProductsKellogg's produces a wide range of food products, including cereals, snacks, cookies, crackers, and other foods. Some of its most popular cereals include Frosted Flakes, Special K, and Rice Krispies. It also produces well-known snack brands, such as Pringles, Pop-Tarts, and Cheez-It.
SustainabilityKellogg's has committed to sustainable practices across its operations, from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to minimizing waste and sustaining water resources. The company has set ambitious goals to reduce its environmental footprint, including working towards using 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable packaging by 2025 and reducing waste to landfill to zero by 2030. Kellogg's has also made a commitment to responsibly source its ingredients, such as palm oil, to minimize deforestation and protect biodiversity.
Contact InformationKellogg's has a website where customers can find information about its products, recipes, and sustainability initiatives. Customers can also contact the company by phone or email through its website.