Title: Pringles Rick & Morty Special Edition TV Spot: "You Can Collect All Three"Introduction:In a witty and eccentric collaboration, Pringles and the beloved animated series "Rick and Morty" have joined forces to create a limited edition line of chips. Bursting with creativity and humor, the Pringl...
Pringles Scorchin' has launched a new TV spot titled 'Craving the Uncomfortable: Loaded Nachos'. The commercial starts with a man sitting on a couch, twirling a Pringles Scorchin' chip around in his fingers. As he takes a bite, he suddenly bursts into flames, with the rest of the room around him fol...
In the highly anticipated Pringles Super Bowl 2018 TV spot, titled 'WOW,' comedic sensation Bill Hader takes center stage to showcase the mind-blowing flavors and endless snacking possibilities of Pringles. This commercial became an instant hit, captivating viewers around the world with its clever h...
The Pringles 2019 Super Bowl TV spot, titled 'Sad Device,' was a creative and humorous take on the addictive nature of Pringles chips. The ad started with a lonely and discarded smart speaker, who was feeling upset for being unable to do anything without being activated by a voice command.As the spe...
In 2020, Pringles decided to make their Super Bowl TV spot standout by partnering with the popular animated comedy series, Rick and Morty. The result was an ad that took viewers on a wild ride through infinite dimensions, all while showcasing the many flavors of Pringles.The ad begins with Rick and...
Pringles Super Bowl 2021 TV Spot, 'Space Return'In a galaxy far, far away, where flavor knows no bounds, Pringles boldly took center stage during the Super Bowl 2021 with their out-of-this-world TV spot titled 'Space Return.' This intergalactic adventure captivated viewers with its clever and amusin...
Pringles Super Bowl 2022 TV Spot was one of the most talked-about commercials of the year. The ad, titled 'Stuck In,' featured Pringles' famous stackable chips in a unique and hilarious way that had viewers laughing out loud.The commercial opens with a man, played by actor Timothy Simons, stuck in f...
Title: Pringles Super Bowl 2023 TV Spot - 'Best of Us': A Memorable Celebration of UnityIntroduction:The Pringles Super Bowl 2023 TV Spot, titled 'Best of Us,' was a captivating spectacle that left viewers in awe. The commercial featured the incredibly talented Meghan Trainor and a powerful renditio...
Pringles Tortillas TV Spot, 'Imaginary Dip' is an advertisement that captivates the viewer's attention with its own creative twist. The commercial starts with a man at a party, biting into a Pringles tortilla chip, and imagining that he is dipping it into different cups and bowls filled with differe...
The Pringles TV spot, 'Anthem' Song by Vinyl Hearts, is a thrilling and exciting advertisement that showcases the popular snack brand's delicious and diverse flavors. The commercial features young people from different walks of life, enjoying Pringles chips in various settings.As the advertisement b...
The Pringles TV Spot 'Aparato Triste' is a humorous and exciting advertisement that was created to promote the brand's famous potato chips. The commercial was released in 2019 and quickly gained popularity due to its entertaining nature. The advertisement features a sad vending machine that longs fo...
Pringles' TV spot "Blindfold" is an innovative and humorous advertisement that showcases the irresistible taste and shape of their famous potato crisps. In the commercial, a group of people are blindfolded and asked to guess the flavor of the Pringles they are eating. As they go through different fl...
The Pringles TV spot, 'Bursting With More Flavor,' is a fun and playful advertisement that showcases the brand's new line of chips containing even more explosive taste. The ad opens with a shot of a group of friends snacking on plain chips when suddenly, a Pringles can bursts through the wall, annou...
In the world of advertising, creativity knows no bounds. One memorable TV spot that took the airwaves by storm was the Pringles TV Spot called "CBS Sports: College Hoops: Flavor of the Action." This exhilarating commercial aimed to capture the excitement and flavor of college basketball, while showc...
The Pringles TV Spot, 'Déjate atrapar' is a captivating and engaging advertisement that captures the essence of the brand and its products. The commercial primarily focuses on the idea that Pringles chips are so irresistible that you are bound to be caught snacking on them.The ad starts with a young...
The Pringles TV spot, 'Duck Lips', is a hilarious and entertaining advertisement that features a group of friends hanging out in a living room, snacking on Pringles. One of the friends takes a selfie using the popular 'duck lips' pose and decides to post it on social media, much to the amusement of...
The Pringles TV Spot, 'Nos pasa a todos' is a creative and engaging commercial that showcases the relatable experiences we all share when enjoying these delicious potato crisps. This commercial takes viewers on a whimsical journey, highlighting the universal moments and emotions that can be found in...
Pringles TV Spot, 'Retorno espacial' is an advertisement campaign that was launched in 2023. It is a Spanish-language commercial promoting Pringles snack chips in a fun and unique way. The commercial lasts for 30 seconds, and it starts with a group of astronauts in a spaceship that is heading back t...
The Pringles TV Spot titled 'Sad Device: Dance Playlist' is a creative and entertaining commercial that showcases the product's unique features. The commercial starts with a man sitting on his couch scrolling through his phone with a sad expression on his face. He is evidently listening to a sad son...
Die Pringles TV-Spot "Stuck In: Party" zeigt eine Gruppe von Freunden auf einer Party, als plötzlich der Strom ausfällt. Sie improvisieren daraufhin mit Taschenlampen und Kerzen, bevor die Protagonisten eine versteckte Kiste Pringles entdecken und der Party neuen Schwung geben. Der Spot ist eine lus...
In the enchanting world of advertising, where creativity knows no bounds, one of the most captivating TV spots of recent times is undoubtedly Pringles' 'The Moon' commercial. This extraordinary masterpiece takes us on a whimsical journey that combines space exploration, extraterrestrial encounters,...
In the Pringles Wavy TV spot titled 'Daddy,' we are introduced to a heartwarming story that revolves around a loving father and his daughter. Set in a cozy living room, the scene begins with the father, played by an actor with genuine warmth, sitting on a comfortable couch, engrossed in a classic mo...
Bandito Brothers is a media company that specializes in producing and directing high-end commercials, music videos, and feature films. Based in Los Angeles, California, the company was founded in 2006 by three friends, including co-director and producer Scott Waugh. The company name is inspired by the Navy SEAL's basic underwater demolition/SEAL training, known as BUD/S Class 234. Bandito Brothers' work is known for its gritty and cinematic style...
Grey Global Group Inc. is a renowned advertising and marketing agency that was founded in 1917 by Lawrence Valenstein and Arthur Fatt. The company has its headquarters in New York City and has grown to become one of the largest advertising agencies in the world.The company operates under the WPP Group, which is one of the leading communication groups globally. The company provides services in several areas such as advertising, branding, promotion...
Starcom is a world-renowned media communications agency that specializes in harnessing the power of media , technology, and data to create engaging and effective advertising campaigns. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Starcom is known for its innovative and data-driven approach to advertising, which has earned it numerous awards and accolades over the years.In recent years, Starcom has expanded its servic...
Overview of PringlesPringles is a brand of potato and wheat-based stackable snack chips, owned by Kellogg's. Pringles was initially developed and marketed by Procter & Gamble (P&G), beginning in 1967.
History of Pringles
In April 2011, Kellogg Company acquired Pringles for $2.695 billion. Earlier, in 2008, Procter & Gamble had sold their Folgers coffee unit to J.M. Smucker Co. for $2.95 billion and their own Pringles unit to Diamond Foods, Inc. for $2.35 billion. However, the deal between Procter & Gamble and Diamond Foods fell through in 2012 after a probe into Diamond's accounting irregularities by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Product Portfolio of Pringles
The original Pringles flavor is "Original" and was first marketed in 1968. It wasn't until the mid-1980s that Pringles began to appear in more flavors such as "Sour Cream and Onion," "Cheddar Cheese," and "Barbecue." Today, Pringles offer a variety of flavors with interesting names such as "Pizza," "Loaded Baked Potato," "Honey Mustard," and "Fiery Chili Lime."
One factor that sets Pringles apart from other snack chip brands is the unique shape of their chips. Unlike traditional potato chips, Pringles are made from a dough-like substance and are not cut from potatoes. They are cooked and shaped through a process called "extrusion."
Contacting Pringles
Pringles provides contact information on their official website for customers who want to leave feedback or get in touch with their customer service team. The company can be reached through a contact form on their website or a phone number listed on the site. Customers can also search for their desired Pringles products and see where they can buy them either online or at physical retail stores.