In 2012, Kia Optima took the advertising world by storm with a bold and captivating TV commercial that featured the stunning Victoria's Secret supermodel Adriana Lima and the iconic rock band Motley Crue. The commercial was a masterful blend of beauty, glamour, and rock 'n' roll, creating a unique a...
Title: The Unforgettable Journey - 2013 Kia Optima LX TV SpotIntroduction:In 2013, Kia Motors introduced the world to the stunning and innovative Kia Optima LX through a captivating television commercial. With sleek design, cutting-edge technology, and a captivating narrative, this TV spot left a la...
In the summer of 2013, Kia launched an electrifying television spot that left viewers in awe. This memorable commercial featured none other than the Los Angeles Clippers' dynamic power forward, Blake Griffin, showcasing his exceptional basketball skills in a campaign called "1995 Free Throws."The ad...
In 2013, Kia Motors released a new TV commercial spot promoting their new Kia Optima SX model. The ad featured professional basketball player, Blake Griffin, as he traveled back in time to his high school football team's championship game in 1997.In the ad, Griffin is seen driving the sleek and styl...
The 2013 Kia Optima TV Spot, 'Smart Move Sales Event' was a commercial for the Kia Optima sedan that aired during a sales event promotion. The ad showcased the Kia Optima's sleek design, impressive features, and affordable price.The commercial opens up with a close-up shot of the Optima's exterior....
The 2013 Kia Soul Hamsters TV Spot, 'Bright Lights' was a commercial that introduced the new 2013 Kia Soul model. It was a fun and entertaining advertisement that featured the iconic Kia Hamsters in a music video-style commercial.In the ad, the Hamsters are shown driving through the city streets in...
The 2014 Kia Forte TV Spot titled 'Street Light' opens with a shot of a crowded city street at night. The camera zooms in on a red Kia Forte sedan, parked at a stoplight. The words "2014 Kia Forte" appear on screen in bold letters. As the camera pans out, we see a young couple making their way throu...
The 2014 Kia LX TV spot 'Why?' was a commercial that generated a lot of buzz in the automotive industry. It was aimed at highlighting the many features of the Kia LX and why it was superior to its competitors in the market. The ad featured a young boy who kept asking his dad 'why?' to almost everyth...
In 2014, Kia released a TV spot advertising the Kia Optima LX that was called 'No-Brainer.' This TV spot showcased the sleek and modern design of the Kia Optima LX and highlighted some of its most impressive features. The commercial was targeted towards young professionals and families who were look...
The 2014 Kia Optima TV spot titled 'Backing In' was a playful and creative advertisement that showcased the smart parking assist feature of the Kia Optima. The commercial featured a series of drivers attempting to park their vehicles in tight spaces, struggling and jostling to maneuver into a parkin...
In 2014, Kia captivated viewers with their innovative and visually stunning TV spot titled 'Fish' for the Kia Optima. This commercial took the art of advertising to new depths, quite literally.The scene opens on a serene underwater setting, with schools of vibrant fish swimming gracefully in an expa...
Title: Griffin Force: Blake Griffin Takes On the Kia Optima Introduction:In 2014, Kia introduced a captivating TV commercial that featured NBA superstar Blake Griffin. Titled 'Griffin Force,' this TV spot showcased an exhilarating collaboration between Griffin and the powerful 2014 Kia Optima. This...
In the 2014 Kia Optima TV spot titled 'Impressive,' a sleek and stylish Kia Optima takes center stage, capturing the attention and awe of viewers. This commercial aims to highlight the impressive features and capabilities of the Kia Optima in a visually captivating manner.The advertisement begins wi...
In the 2014 Kia Sorento TV spot titled "Parking Spot: Like a Glove," viewers were treated to a captivating and entertaining advertisement that showcased the incredible parking capabilities of the vehicle. With the iconic song "Little Bitty Pretty One" by Bobby Day playing in the background, this com...
In 2014, Kia introduced a new television spot featuring their popular vehicle, the Kia Soul. Titled 'Totally Transformed', this TV spot aimed to showcase the amazing upgrades and features of the newly redesigned Soul. To make a lasting impact on the viewers, Kia paired the vibrant visuals of the Kia...
In the bustling world of automotive marketing, where each brand strives to stand out from the crowd, the 2015 Kia K900 TV spot, titled 'Rave Reviews by AUTOMOTIVE Magazine,' was a true game-changer. This commercial was a masterclass in showcasing the Kia K900's remarkable features and garnering the...
In 2015, Kia launched a new advertising campaign to promote their latest luxury sedan, the Kia K900. One of the most memorable TV spots from this campaign was titled "Sport Mode." The ad begins with a close-up of the K900's dashboard as the driver's finger hovers over the "Sport Mode" button. With a...
The 2015 Kia Optima and 2015 Kia Sorento TV Spot, 'Black Friday Deals' was an advertisement that aimed to promote the Black Friday deals offered by Kia Motors. The commercial was launched during the holiday shopping season to leverage the shopping frenzy around Black Friday. The TV spot featured the...
In 2015, Kia Motors America launched a Sign it & Drive it Sales Event TV Spot for the Kia Optima, showcasing its impressive features and sleek design. The commercial featured a catchy jingle, inviting audiences to get behind the wheel and experience the thrill of driving a Kia Optima.The ad showcase...
In 2015, Kia Motors launched a TV spot that left audiences in awe with its groundbreaking concept and superstar appearance. Titled 'Fighter Pilot,' this commercial brought together the world of basketball and fighter jets, starring none other than the iconic NBA player, Blake Griffin.The commercial...
The 2015 Kia Optima TV spot titled 'Speech' featuring basketball star Blake Griffin is a memorable advertisement that captured the attention of viewers. The commercial opens with Griffin sitting in the passenger seat of a Kia Optima, looking nervous as he starts to write a speech for an upcoming eve...
In the 2015 Kia Sedona TV spot, titled 'No Compromises,' the Korean car manufacturer highlights the features and capabilities of its latest minivan. The commercial opens with a shot of a family packing their Sedona with all sorts of luggage and equipment. From there, the ad takes viewers on a tour t...
In 2015, Kia released an unforgettable TV spot called "What About Bob?" to promote their popular model, the Kia Sorento LX. This commercial quickly became a sensation, captivating audiences with its entertaining storyline and showcasing the impressive features of the Sorento LX.The TV spot begins wi...
In the 2015 Kia Sorrento TV spot titled 'Man Cave Transformation', the popular Brazilian model Adriana Lima takes the stage, captivating audiences all over with her stunning beauty and irresistible charm. This advertisement showcases the transformation of a traditional man cave into a luxurious have...
The 2015 Kia Soul EV TV spot, 'Fully Charged,' features a catchy and upbeat tune by renowned pop rock band Maroon 5. The commercial opens up with a group of Soul EV drivers cruising down an open highway, all of whom are radiant with smiles and energy. The electric vehicles seamlessly navigate throug...
The 2016 Kia Sedona TV Spot, titled 'Styling, Seating & Safety', was a commercial which aimed to showcase all the impressive features of the Kia Sedona minivan. The ad opened with a slow-motion shot of the Kia Sedona gliding across a picturesque road, showing off its sleek and stylish exterior desig...
In 2016, Kia released their Super Bowl 2015 TV Spot, 'The Perfect Getaway,' which showcased their brand new Kia Sorento model. The ad centers around a young family of four, who are in desperate need of a vacation from their everyday lives. The 60-second commercial highlights the new Sorento's sleek...
Title: "Built for Families: Great Game"In 2016, Kia launched a captivating television commercial for their flagship SUV, the Kia Sorento. Titled "Built for Families: Great Game," this TV spot beautifully showcased the Sorento's versatility and family-friendly features in a heartwarming and entertain...
In 2016, Kia released a television commercial featuring NBA sideline reporter Craig Sager. The commercial was titled "Transformation" and aimed to showcase the new 2016 Kia Sorento.The commercial begins with Craig Sager driving through a dark and abandoned city. The cityscape is bleak and uninspirin...
La publicidad televisiva de Kia Soul en 2016 fue una campaña muy memorable que utilizó la canción "S.O.B." del cantante Nathaniel Rateliff para atraer la atención del público. El anuncio se centró en un grupo de hamsters que forman una banda y se presentan en un espectáculo increÃble. A medida que e...
In 2016, Kia launched a captivating TV spot titled "Hamsters: Share Some Soul," featuring the talented musician Nathaniel Rateliff. This commercial showcased the popular Kia Soul vehicle, while also incorporating a catchy and engaging musical performance.The ad opens with a group of stylish hamsters...
In 2017, the Kia Cadenza made a bold statement with its mesmerizing TV spot titled 'Impossible to Ignore,' featuring the talented actress Christina Hendricks. The commercial showcased the Cadenza's fierce elegance and undeniable allure, capturing the attention of viewers worldwide.As the camera grac...
In 2017, Kia aired a memorable TV spot featuring their popular car model, the Kia Forte. The commercial, titled 'Basketball', caught the attention of viewers with its humorous and engaging storyline.The ad starts with a group of basketball players shooting hoops at an outdoor court. Suddenly, a Kia...
In the 2017 Kia Forte TV commercial titled 'Básquetbol,' Kia takes viewers on an exhilarating journey filled with basketball magic and jaw-dropping athleticism. The ad showcases the Kia Forte's sleek design, advanced features, and undeniable performance, all while capturing the essence of the game t...
In the vibrant world of advertising, every now and then, a gem surfaces that captures the hearts and minds of viewers, leaving a lasting impression. One such gem came in the form of the 2017 Kia Forte TV Spot, titled 'Car Karaoke With Autonomous Emergency Braking'. This particular commercial was a t...
In the vibrant world of advertising, the 2017 Kia Forte TV Spot, titled 'Puedo Cantar,' emerged as a mesmerizing spectacle that captured the attention of viewers far and wide. This captivating commercial showcased the unique features and undeniable charm of the Kia Forte, while simultaneously immers...
In the 2017 Kia Optima TV spot titled "Cajuela inteligente" (which translates to "Smart Trunk" in English), Kia showcases one of the innovative features of their sleek sedan. The ad begins with a stylish couple, dressed to the nines, approaching their Kia Optima parked outside a luxurious restaurant...
In 2017, Kia Motors America released a new TV commercial for the Kia Optima, titled 'Meeting.' The ad features the American artist Chancellor Warhol's track "Au Revoir" as its background music. The commercial is set in the city, and it shows the various aspects of urban life while highlighting the s...
In 2017, Kia launched an exciting TV spot titled 'Urban Pioneer' to showcase their impressive vehicle, the Kia Sportage. This visually stunning and captivating commercial takes viewers on a thrilling journey through urban landscapes, depicting the Sportage as the ultimate companion of the modern-day...
The 2018 Kia Stinger television commercial, titled "Cada corredor" con Emerson Fittipaldi [T1], is a thrilling ad that captures the essence of what it means to push oneself beyond the limits to achieve greatness. The commercial opens with a shot of a sleek, red Kia Stinger racing down a winding moun...
In the adrenaline-fueled world of racing, where every millisecond matters, there's one car that stands out from the pack - the 2018 Kia Stinger. In a captivating TV spot titled 'What Every Racer Needs,' Kia showcases its sleek and powerful creation alongside legendary racing icon Emerson Fittipaldi,...
The 2023 Kia EV6 TV Spot, 'Celebración de victoria' [T2] showcases the latest electric vehicle from Kia in an exciting and dynamic way. The commercial features vibrant colors, upbeat music, and a celebration of victory.In the opening scene, we see a group of people gathered around a Kia EV6, cheerin...
Title: Silence Is Powerful: Unveiling the 2023 Kia EV6 Electric VehicleIntroduction:In the ever-progressing world of electric vehicles, Kia has once again pushed boundaries with their latest innovation, the 2023 Kia EV6. To introduce this stunning electric vehicle to the world, Kia released a captiv...
The 2023 Kia EV6 TV Spot, 'Victory Lap' [T2] is an electrifying commercial that showcases the sleek and futuristic design of the Kia EV6, a fully electric vehicle that stands out for its stunning looks, impressive range, and high-tech features.The commercial starts with the EV6 passing by other cars...
Title: "It's One Fantastic Ride: The 2023 Kia Forte TV Spot"Introduction:Step into a world where adrenaline meets sophistication, where power meets refinement. The 2023 Kia Forte takes center stage in a thrilling TV spot, inviting viewers on an unforgettable journey. With a bold blend of sleek desig...
Title: "Built for Whoever You Are: The 2023 Kia Soul TV Spot"Intro:In the year 2023, Kia Motors launched an exciting and groundbreaking TV spot to promote their iconic Kia Soul. This TV spot, titled "Built for Whoever You Are," captured the essence of individuality, versatility, and uniqueness that...
The 2023 Kia Telluride TV spot, titled 'Larger Than Life Adventures' features the new SUV in various outdoor scenes, highlighting its spaciousness and capability. The ad is set to the tune of Bill Conti's iconic 'Gonna Fly Now' from the movie Rocky.The commercial begins with shots of the Telluride d...
Title: 2024 Kia Seltos SX TV Spot: "Drop Off"[Opening scene: A bustling city street during rush hour. The camera pans across the chaos before focusing on a sleek and stylish 2024 Kia Seltos SX parked near the curb.]Narrator: [Voiceover] In a world where urban life moves at lightning speed, the 2024...
Title: "Pescado: Unleashing the 2104 Kia Optima's Power"Intense music sets the stage as the TV spot opens on a dark street, rain pouring down from the ominous night sky. The camera focuses on a sleek, silver 2104 Kia Optima, parked under a flickering streetlight, waiting to be unleashed.As the scene...
Title: Kia Cadenza TV Spot: 'Change'Introduction:The Kia Cadenza TV Spot titled 'Change' brings a breath of fresh air to the automobile advertising landscape. This captivating commercial takes viewers on a visually stunning journey that showcases the transformative power of the luxurious Kia Cadenza...
Title: Kia Cadenza TV Spot, 'Impossible to Ignore: Flash' Song by David BowieIntroduction:In the mesmerizing world of advertising, Kia Motors has always managed to captivate audiences with their creative and compelling TV commercials. One such unforgettable campaign featured the popular Kia Cadenza...
Title: Kia Cadenza TV Spot: Embracing Luxury with David Bowie's Timeless AnthemIntroduction:In the fast-paced world of advertising, car commercials strive to capture the essence of a vehicle and leave a lasting impression on viewers. One such TV spot that transcended the ordinary was the Kia Cadenza...
Title: Kia Evento Summer's On Us TV Spot: 'Esquà acuático' [T2]Introduction:The Kia Evento Summer's On Us TV Spot has captured the attention of viewers with its thrilling and captivating visuals. In this specific TV spot, titled 'Esquà acuático' [T2], Kia takes us on an exhilarating adventure as the...
The Kia Fall Savings Time TV spot titled 'Robot-Tested Smart Trunk Technology' [T2] showcases the advanced features of the 2023 Kia Optima. The commercial opens with a group of robots in a Kia laboratory testing the car's trunk capacity.As the robots stack boxes upon boxes in the trunk, Kia's Smart...
The Kia Forte 2013 Super Bowl TV Spot, 'Robot' is a creative and engaging advertisement that showcases the features of the 2014 Kia Forte in a unique way. The commercial begins with a robot walking through a dark and desolate wasteland. As the robot explores its surroundings, it comes across the 201...
The holiday season is the perfect time for car dealerships to entice customers with great deals and incentives on new vehicles, and Kia is no exception. The Kia Holiday Sale Event TV Commercial is a high-energy, fun-filled advertisement that is designed to get you into a Kia dealership and behind th...
The Kia Holiday Sales Event TV Spot is a commercial that invites viewers to take advantage of the limited-time promotional offer to save on new Kia vehicles during the holiday season. The TV spot features stunning visuals of Kia cars and SUVs driving through snow-covered landscapes, with festive hol...
Title: Kia Holidays on Us Sales Event TV Spot: Optima & Sorento - Black FridayIntroduction:In the world of automotive sales, the Kia Holidays on Us Sales Event has emerged as a highly anticipated annual affair. Known for its incredible offers, this event captures the essence of holiday cheer and pre...
Title: "Exhilarating Freedom: Kia Holidays On Us Sales Event TV Spot, 'Payments on Us'"Introduction:Experience the thrill of the open road this holiday season with Kia's highly anticipated Holidays On Us Sales Event. In this captivating TV spot titled "Payments on Us," Kia invites viewers on an exhi...
Title: Griffin Force: Kia Optima's Dynamic DuoIntroduction:Kia Optima's TV spot, 'Griffin Force,' starring NBA superstar Blake Griffin and comedian Jack McBrayer, is an adrenaline-fueled spectacle that showcases the power and innovation of the Kia Optima. This action-packed commercial immerses viewe...
The Kia Optima Time Travel TV Spot is a charming and entertaining advertisement that features the popular NBA player Blake Griffin. The commercial takes us back in time to the year 1995 when the Kia Optima had just hit the market. The ad is set in a classic 90s-style shopping mall, complete with neo...
Title: Kia Optima TV Spot, 'Time Travel: 2002'Introduction:In a captivating TV commercial for the Kia Optima, the concept of time travel takes center stage as professional basketball player Blake Griffin finds himself transported back to the year 2002. With a touch of humor, nostalgia, and the catch...
The Kia Optima TV spot, 'Time Travel: 2006', featuring the basketball superstar Blake Griffin takes viewers on a time travel adventure back to 2006. The advertisement features Griffin as a high school student, dreaming about his future in the NBA. The commercial opens in present-day as Blake Griffin...
Kia recently released a new TV spot for their Seltos SUV titled 'Tough Never Quits'. The commercial stars Josh Jacobs, a star running back for the Las Vegas Raiders, and highlights the toughness and durability of the Seltos.The ad features Jacobs running down a desolate road in the middle of a thund...
Title: Kia Sign It Drive It TV Spot: Unleashing the Joy of the Open RoadIntroduction:Step into the world of Kia, where excitement and adventure collide, and dreams become reality with a single signature. The Kia Sign It Drive It TV Spot captures the essence of the unforgettable thrill that awaits th...
The Kia Sign It, Drive It Sales Event TV spot is a commercial that advertises a limited time offer from Kia Motors. The commercial features a catchy jingle and vibrant visuals, showcasing the various models available from Kia that are part of the sales event.The ad focuses on the simplicity of the s...
The Kia Sorento 2013 Super Bowl TV Spot, also known as 'Space Babies', was a creative, funny, and memorable advert that aired during the Super Bowl XLVII on February 3, 2013. Created by David&Goliath, a California-based advertising agency, the commercial portrayed a group of curious children who ask...
The Kia Summer Sales Event TV Spot titled 'Drive-Up' is an exciting and engaging advertisement that captures the attention of viewers in a unique way. The ad starts with a drive-through fast-food restaurant, with a car full of young people waiting for their order. The Kia Sorento pulls up behind the...
Kia Motors America has launched its Summer's On Us Sales Event, accompanied by a new TV spot, 'Best Summer Ever', currently airing nationwide. The ad campaign features the 2023 Kia Telluride, 2023 Kia K5, and 2023 Kia Sorento. The 60-second commercial opens with a stunning shot of a family heading t...
Title: The Matrix Reimagined: Kia's Super Bowl 2014 Teaser featuring Laurence FishburneIntroduction:In the run-up to the 2014 Super Bowl, Kia Motors took the advertising world by storm with a thrilling and unexpected TV commercial featuring the iconic actor, Laurence Fishburne. This teaser captured...
In 2014, Kia released a Super Bowl TV spot called "The Truth" that featured actor Laurence Fishburne. The ad starts with Fishburne sitting in a leather chair, dressed like his iconic character Morpheus from "The Matrix" franchise. He asks the viewer, "What's luxury? A big house? A fancy car?"Fishbur...
In this exhilarating and captivating Kia TV spot, titled 'Football vs. Futbol: FIFA World Cup,' the stunning and charismatic Adriana Lima takes center stage, captivating viewers with her captivating presence and love for sports.The commercial begins with a vibrant, bustling city street as the camera...
In the vibrant world of television advertising, Kia has embarked on a mesmerizing journey with their exhilarating TV spot titled, "Haz que cada viaje sea confiable," which translates to "Make every journey reliable" in English. This unforgettable commercial captures the essence of trust and dependab...
Title: Kia TV Spot, 'Make Every Drive Confident'Introduction:In a stunning and captivating new TV spot, Kia seeks to inspire drivers to make every drive confident. With the flawless combination of breathtaking visuals, a catchy soundtrack, and a powerful message, Kia delivers a compelling experience...
The Memorial Day Sales Event is a highly anticipated event, and Kia has capitalized on this by launching an exciting TV spot to promote their special offers. In this TV spot, Kia showcases their latest models, including the stylish Seltos and the powerful Telluride, all while emphasizing the incredi...
The Kia TV Spot, titled 'Swamp' [T2] is a commercial that first aired on television in 2021. The spot is set in a swampy, muddy terrain, with a man dressed in a suit making his way across the treacherous ground. As he makes his way through the mud, the Kia Telluride SUV, expertly navigates the treac...
Canvas Worldwide is a full-service media and communications agency that is dedicated to delivering exceptional advertising solutions to its clients. The company specializes in creating innovative and creative marketing strategies that allow businesses to connect with their target audience effectively.Canvas Worldwide offers a wide range of services that include media planning and buying, research and insights, data-driven analytics, and creative...
David&Goliath is an independent full-service advertising agency based in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1999 by David Angelo, the agency has made a name for itself by creating bold and innovative campaigns that challenge the status quo. With an impressive roster of clients, including Kia Motors, Universal Studios Hollywood, and Jack in the Box, David&Goliath has become synonymous with creative excellence.One of the agency's greatest achievem...
A company initiative is a pro-active effort undertaken by a business to achieve a specific objective or goal. These initiatives can vary widely in scope and focus, including everything from internal process improvements to new product launches, community outreach, or environmental sustainability efforts.Successful initiatives often rely on the collaboration and buy-in of team members at every level of the organization. Clear communication about t...
MJZ is a production company founded by David Zander and Rocky Morton that represents a roster of filmmakers who have produced award-winning feature films, music videos, and commercials. The company has produced notable works such as the Rihanna music video for "Needed Me," the Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" commercials, and the Apple AirPods Pro advertisement "Jump."MJZ has multiple locations, including Los Angeles, London, New Yor...
PRETTYBIRD is a creative think tank and hybrid production that provides clients with distinct visionary work across the ever-evolving entertainment and branding landscape. It was founded in 2008 and operates in both London and Los Angeles. PRETTYBIRD embraces a diverse community and takes an elevated, holistic approach to content creation. The is known for creating cutting-edge work that transcends boundaries and lives at the crossroads of brande...
RadicalMedia is a multi-faceted media and production company that operates in a variety of industries including advertising, television, film, and technology. The company is based in the United States and has a reputation for producing high-quality and innovative content. RadicalMedia is not just a production company, nor is it an advertising agency, a television studio, or a technology incubator. Instead, the company is a combination of all thes...
Serial Pictures is an award-winning global production company that produces high-quality content across all platforms, including television, film, commercials, and digital media. The company was founded in 2017 by a team of experienced producers, directors, and creatives who sought to bring their collective expertise and exceptional talent to create projects that challenge, engage, and inspire audiences worldwide.Since its inception, Serial Pictu...
Kia Corporation is a South Korean multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. It was founded in December 1944 as Kyungsung Precision Industry, a manufacturer of steel tubing and bicycle parts. Kia began producing cars in 1974 with the release of the Brisa range of cars.
Today, Kia is one of the world's largest automakers and produces a wide range of vehicles, including sedans, SUVs, crossovers, and electric cars. The company has manufacturing facilities in several countries, including South Korea, the United States, Mexico, and China.
Kia has received numerous awards for its automobiles, including the "Best Value Brand" award from U.S. News & World Report in 2021. In addition to its commitment to producing quality cars, Kia is also dedicated to sustainability and has set a goal for all of its vehicles to be eco-friendly by 2030.
Kia is also actively involved in various social responsibility initiatives, including a partnership with the United Nations to support global sustainable development.
Kia has faced some challenges in recent years with some insurers in the US blacklisting some of its models and refusing to cover certain Kia and Hyundai vehicles. However, Kia continues to focus on innovation and producing high-quality and environmentally friendly vehicles to meet the needs of its customers and contribute to a sustainable future.